Uploading multiple files at once using uploadthing
Hey i currently set up uploadthing on a website to upload productImage, however, products might have more than 1 image
and the UX of having to pick each of the images one after the other one has finished being uploaded seems not so fun
So i wanted to ask if it was possible to upload multiple files at once in uploadThing, thank you.
1 Reply
Hey, I am not sure, if this is still relevant, but right now I was looking for the same thing and for some reason wasn't able to find it via Google.
For anyone else wondering, there is a config option "maxFileCount" on the FileRouter that you create in the /api/uploadthing/core.ts file (assuming you follow the Getting Started Tutorial on the website).
Here is the relevant Docs entry: https://docs.uploadthing.com/api-reference/server#route-config
Server – uploadthing
Docs for the best file uploader to date