remotion media not seekable
Error during rendering: SymbolicateableError: The media cannot be seeked. This could be one of two reasons: 1) The media resource was replaced while the video is playing but it was not loaded yet. 2) The media does not support seeking. Please see for assistance.
at warnAboutNonSeekableMedia (http://localhost:3001/bundle.js:8432:19)
at HTMLVideoElement.seekedHandler (http://localhost:3001/bundle.js:8118:78) {
im facing this error as my media is said to be non seekable - but it plays correctly after downloading
meaning its not playing directly when i open the url
im using this ffmpeg command as well
.input(inputProps.cover[i]) // Input video file path
.videoFilters(['scale=1080:1920:force_original_aspect_ratio=increase', 'crop=1080:1920']) // Resize and crop video
.videoCodec('libx264') // H.264 video codec
.audioCodec('aac') // AAC audio codec
'-preset veryfast', // Choose an appropriate preset for your needs
'-crf 22', // Constant rate factor (CRF) for video quality
'-b:a 128k', // Audio bitrate
'-movflags +faststart', // Ensure the moov atom is at the beginning of the file for progressive playback
) // Output file path
.on('error', (err) => {
console.log('Error converting cover:', err);
and then uploading the output to azure blob storageNon-seekable media | Remotion | Make videos programmatically
If you see the following error in the console:
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