What are the files in the /trpc folder used for in T3 App Router?
I'm trying out the new create-t3-app with app router and am confused on the purpose of the /trpc folder since I couldn't find any documentation on it in the github or the docs site. Any help or guidance is appreciated./

6 Replies
It’s in beta even I don’t know what their purpose is
Just check the contents, I would but on phone
Should be self explanatory what their purpose are
Barry you don’t have to answer every question
react.tsx is trpc setup boilerplate for client components
server.ts is trpc setup boilerplate for server components
shared.ts includes stuff used by both
Thank you both
This answered my question
No but the amount of times I haven’t gotten a single answer to my questions ☠️ i know it can be annoying. So I’d rather point him somewhere, besides, the answer is in the code, wouldn’t say it’s a bad response 🥸
Hmm damn that’s fair actually