What are some of the most simple database products to get started with?
I'm trying to start a new project and I see Theo often recoemnds cool new technologies that really simple to get started with. Most recently PostHog impressed me.
So I'm wondering what has he suggested for DBs? I'm looking for something REALLY simple to get started with and that I can start storing/reading from in just a couple of lines of code if possible, ideally with an online editor for the data.
4 Replies
Theo always recommends Planetscale. Supabase is a great alternative to. They've got a kv-store if you don't even want to mess around with sql. And they do have an online editor
If you're looking for sql then you should probably use prisma or drizzle, although the latter usually ends up with more code and setup imo if brevity is your no1 priority
thanks - had issues with Planetscale + Prisma in the past, due to relational db stuff. might look into that again.
although tbf, i was hoping there was something even simplier than these (which sounds like it might be Supabase tbh) where the DB provider is also the ORM
I've not tried Cloudflare D1, but it also works with Drizzle. SQLite is probably fine for really simple stuff.
I mean this is not generally how databases work. Whats difficult about entering a DB url into a config file? Im really struggling to see the problem from your perspective but i do want to understand the issue
Especially if its like a kv-store which doesnt even have a schema