[Turborepo] How to exclude a folder?

I have a Turborepo app that uses pnpm and pnpm workspaces. Everything's good. Q: Now let's say I wanted to add a ElysiaJS (uses Bun) or any other language for that matter (Go backend for example). I want to store them in my monorepo so I have everything in one place, but I want Turborepo to not look at this folder for any building/dev/caching etc. Is this possible? Worst case I just put the other lang backends in a different repo but I'd like to have them all in my monorepo.
3 Replies
Endgame101313mo ago
This CLI command might be helpful: https://turbo.build/repo/docs/core-concepts/monorepos/filtering#excluding-workspaces for use-cases like this. Regarding the use of Elysia, I too am interested in how this might work in a pnpm workspace. If I understand correctly, I think you could still install the elysia dependency using pnpm, as long as you use bun run ... to run the code.
Filtering Workspaces – Turborepo
Only build the workspaces you care about.
Endgame101313mo ago
Hopefully someone else might be able to chime in here too. I'm in a similar position with a recent project (using pnpm workspaces + turborepo) and would like to know if I'm able to use bun/elysia in the same monorepo.
AryanOP13mo ago
thank you, i will give this a shot and drop an update here if i get it working ideally i have a few backend elysia servers running inside my pnpm turborepo workspace just like you mentioned

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