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All posts for Polygonflow Dash
path scatter snap
Path Spline Editing Gone?
Hi. I'm having a problem with Dash (1.8.
Dash failed installation
Some problems
road questions
Any clue how to get thumbnail images to
open existing tool problem
Licensing Question
Road - StreetCurbs
Quixel Through Fab
good morning 🙂
Tag limit problem
is it possible - could it be possible
Physics Falling through Landscape
Blend Material Questions
Solved: simple restart do the job. BTW,
its slow as a dog with my project and i
Look at never mind
Content Browser problem
Mesh Creation and more issues
would that be all?
Content Browser Issue
Content Browser Freeze Issue
Dash Mesh disappears in Path Tracer
Unreal path issue
Is there any way of adding/computing
Why does this keep happening? I'm not
Content Plugin Workflow and AI Tagging Support
apply a shader w/ vertex color connected
Tagged Assets Missing
Hey does anybody know how to fix this? I
Afaik the limit has always been 5.0 and
Migrating/Backingup Tagging Data
Search multiple Tags
Road tool problem
Tagging Credits Question
Slider Problems
Hello guys I'm having issues with
UE5 plugin Dash #unrealengine5 #unrealen...
@CGF and @Chris(CudaCores) what is your
Dash cannot tag your assets. Please
If I want to drop an object in V 5.4.3
There's some kitbash asset in the
Should I have to add an external project
Too many strange things seem to happen
In some instances its +50 in the air.
When I import new models to my level...
It says "please check your internet
Saving Mechanism 1.7
License Issue
When computing AI Tags, an error occured
Hi @Adnan Chaumette , I have tagging
could be possible :thinkies: thoughts @
Tagging Problem
how do i manually add external projects
Yo lads! I'm getting the below error
my megascans folder isnt showing up on
Object Placement - Move Along Normal
@anftimatter Hi everyone, I've been
Probably just cancel this one and re-
Hi! I'm trying to make a ribbon using
Scatter atlas Question
@Synaesthesia @Costantino here's my
Lost terrain tool connection
Instance Variation
I have a question that Im not sure ifs
Hello Guys
Info about Custom Integration support
Edit Existing Surface Scatter
converted my terrain and road to static
Hi, why does the default unreal engine
Multiple instances problem
Ive been trying to get the road tool to
My quixel bridge isnt loading, is your
Curve masking problem
Is it possible to edit the snow and dirt
Crash message
Missing Tool Icon
Hi, Dash-Team. After updating to 1.50
Road mesh conform issue
A few issues
Ayo all, hope everyones well and had a
Yes, it can work under any World Align
Terrain not in Cinematics
Camera Shake on Dash camera not working
No camera tool
Hi, yes all countries should work. Maybe
PLA fun
Hi! I downloaded a branch of UE5.3 not
When I drag an object from the content
Btw, I also can't use the "Curve Tool
Hello, just a quick question, everytime
🥺 🥹
Performance issues
Perp Question
Some feedback
Just bought monthly sub I had trial and
please read this thread
It won t use the shape of the decal but
ilgar lunin Could you look into this
Hello we have a global option that
Old UI
So I ve may of found a potential issue
so when I create a terrain and close the
Hi all unsure if this has been raised
Also the mesh cards of the megascans
API and performance questions.
We don't have a way of doing grid
would it be possible to get a working
Masking - VC, texture, splines...
Remake question
Reopen tools bug
Content library issue
Screen / Window Issue
Edit scatter error
Mouse offset
Dash Asset Tagging Questions
Draw Curve floating
New Dash Content Browser
CB problem
Migrated level to another project
I have this issue more times than not it
Watch 2024-11-05 11-18-28 | Streamable
Hello! I've the issue that the scattered
When working with Proximity Masking,
Lost tool connection
I'm having an issue where I've worked on
Hi. Our programmers are very restrictive
Hello Polygonflow Team, i wish to use my
External assets
I just bought the plugin and my project
External libs
I'm trying to scatter a row of meshes
think ive found it 🙂
Well, yes : /
I can't change any parameters in the
is there a way to uninstall it because I
Yo, I have a question for the "Can I do
I continue having issues with the Save
Can this be created with Dash?
Road Projection - Floating
Is there any tutorials showing how to
Hello. Would it be possible to add
is there a way to connect each frame
I manually added some tags, but they don
It looks like assets get duplicated in
It looks like it only works with folders
Curve Tool Problem
a few questions guys
path scatter questions
Content Library not all assets visible + path problem
Culling Distance Problem Surface Scatter
Ghost trees
It feels like it's doing something like
I have a large warehouse corrugated
Is it normal that the physics tool doesn
No tool edit icon visible
Hello, Polygonflow team. I'm trying to
also, any error in the output log? I
Spline UE
My main question about Spline That s how
Spline vines tutorial
inhouse prefrabricator
We don’t have any distance culling tool
hi how do I come back from vertical mode
Do you plan collaborating with unreal
Just out of curiosity can you send a vid
Another question my Dash bar doesn t
Adnan getting can t request Trial for
Anyone know why it constantly makes
Scatter questions
Hi Lickapig 8279 Dillpickleschmidt 4318
so after trying it seems graphnn does
I install it but it is not working 😦
Cannot request trial for this email address
Flickering Meshes
Error regarding Intermediate\PipInstall\Lib\site-packages
Uninstalling Dash
Polyhaven Issues
Can I pause or freeze tools?
LOD/Culling Problems
Megascans/Bridge assets not visible in the Content Library
Edit Individual meshes after scattering
Bake Instances to Static Meshes
Converting Scatter Instances or Procedural Meshes
How to Scatter Inside Curves?
Plugin 'GraphNUnrealPlugin' failed to load
License Manager Problems
Installation of Dash Failed
Transferring UE Scene to another Computer
Scatter Limitations w/ Nanite
Path Scatter - How to scatter on a curve/spline
Use the "Show All Tools" command to remove Dash tools from an existing scene
Object Masking vs Proximity Mask
Crash Log files
Failed to install, UE still open - Error Message
Quick Guide Dash Trial License
There are no Material Hint Icon for me in Dash?
How well does Dash work with Game Design?
How to adjust tool settings and material settings
AliPay / Apple Pay
Is the results/scenes shareable without having Dash installed?
Can I scatter Custom Content?
Maya Support?
Good to know Search Terms in Dash
GraphN vs Dash
How does seats work for the enterprise plan?
Node Software?
Upgrade Trial to Paid
Decal text maker tool (type text. font, size, style, spacing, etc) within dash
Deform Terrain to Landscape
Removing layers Table layer not removing scatterred objects
Usability adding layers in Table Windows
Triplanar Decal
using dash with sublevels
Compute/Tag multiple asset folders at once and have it not be limited to only one at a time.
Have uncomputed asset folder names be highlighted in some way
Recompute a whole asset folder at once
Option to disable the warning that tagging will take long.
Cloth simulation
"Project below" feature does not move anchor point down as well
Drag and drop decals are not visible.
Path Scatter tool
Content Browser improvements
Can't open Content Browser or Fab Browser‼
Add a warning to the installer if the python dependency installer at the very end fails
no Proximity Mask 2 or 3
Limit (Removed)
Content Browser in the large project
Sophon doest work
Content Library
Missing submenus in material tool - UE 5.5 Dash 1.8.5
Unable to Launch Dash 1.8.5
updated to new version and now saying i have to update perpetual licence which i did last month?
"Enable Tile Breakup" Not in 1.8.5 on Ue 5.3
Minor bug in 1.8.5
Dash 1.8.5 not running in UE
DASH 18.5 is not initiating in UE 5.5
Trying to make a single road that splits into 3 roads
Another try with AI tagging in UE 5.5
Another content browser problem (UE 5.4 & 5.5) Dash 1.8.3
In App-Purchase. Let users buy more AI tagging credits at any time.
Bug: Asset Preview not possible without tags if quota exhausted
More trouble with 5.5 & 1.8.3
Path scatter Parallel width
AI tagging and AI search button doesn't work - UE 5.5, Dash 1.8.3
Edit panel doesn't work
I had so many hopes but...
Road Projection Mask doesnt refresh
Feedback from 3 days of use (v 1.88 / UE 5.5.1)
Dash toolbar button to act as a toggle
Dash Plugin Suddenly Causing Severe Performance Issues in Unreal Engine 5.3
Nanite Tessellation Causing Crash?
Dash Content Browser Issue
Blend material resetting?
Issues with blend material resetting and vine baking
"+" and "-" beside control sliders and double click to reset to default
Fallback target -> Relative error ->0
Crashes when using masks in Scatter
1.8.5 Beta problem
Why I can't see edit materials in unreal engine
General Feedback
License Key unknown error:
Merge Actors & UDIM
License Problems
Pipe tool idea
Blend material with 3 displacement maps
Replace 1 or 2 of material from the blend material
Blend Quixel materials from different folders
Just a simple suggestion!
Dual Spline!
Being able to select folder for imported asset from another project
Bake down blended material displacement
DASH Content browser for large projects (with huge ammounts of folders with assets)
Scalable megascan preview - find in folder remember state
In 1.8.5, the Fab browser asks me to sign in but it doesn't allow sign in
Path scatter not updating in 1.8.3
The "Set Megascans folder" path button not working?
hello, Is there a solution to this problem?
Hello, I have the most recent Dash plugin working in UE5.4.4.
Custom Dash Movie Render Tool
Scatter with probability values for each asset
camera path tracing render settings - focus pointer
DASH 1.8 UI Interface one of the most non-intuitive UIs that I have come across
Can't drag from Content Browser - Dash 1.8.2
Dash not working since update.
Support your own textures by Dash?
Random Spin Angle Control
Shared Library Project - Team Use
Scan Content only when changes are detected
Dash 1.8 a disappointment so far.
Tools Panel wider Text Area
Re-loading assets
my license has been deactivated after updating to 1.8?
Camera rig rail
Reason CURL error: 83
Z-Jitter conflict with Surface Align
Dash + Autosave = Crash
Dash for 2D
Scatter distance based density.
Tool window fix position
Typ values with , Comma - not only with .
Challenge for Adnan or any Dash team member for next tutorial.
New BOARD Feature UI Tweak
Newly created Surface Scatter only scattering assets on slopes.
Level instances with Dash Tools like vines tool?
Sorting by Alphabetical Order in the Dash Content Library
Problem after converting a 5.3 project to 5.4
Scatter around an object
feature request
Enable Custom Thumbnails
Provides a reset button for modified parameters and filters for modified parameters
Save presets and load presets for editor preferences, project Settings, plug-in switches
Shortcut key configuration and quick Favorites menu
5.4.3 / nanite displacement
Cluster Scatter
Ability to pick scatter objects from disk instead of from scene
Levels Loading and Density Bug
uasset direct import
LODs / Distance / Grass
Is there an option to extend the Dash Perpetual License updates after the 12 months are up?
Map building
Post Process Infinite Extent(Unbound)
Dash Intro Video - Suggestion Thread
Frequently used Console variables?
POM decals
Precision Control like Blender
Dash Sliders + Autosave Crash
Blender like Camera and Light setup
Draw Mask
Tagging limit reach
Receive decal on path scatter
Can someone please tell me why my trees are surfing the waves?
Content missing
Increased Use Cases for Path scatter.
e-on Vue | PlantFactory and PlantCatalog Now FREE
Compute assets from external content folders while working in a different project.
Landscape mode extremely sluggish when scatters are active
Generation of prefabs by AI suggestions and asset types in a collection.
Dash Splat maps
Auto landscape material for mesh terrain
How can I deactivate licenses if I don't have access to the computers where it is activated?
A focus debug plane for the dash camera would be nice
Lite version, scatter practice demo
Dash Curve coordination space
Surface scatter suggestion
Improvements for upload own libraries
Search prompt text bar
Hi, Dash-Team.
Display Text
Materials Panel for custom assets
AI Tagging conflict with 3D Connexion plug-in
Dash delays the otherwise smooth animation
UE5.3.2 Physics Tool Crash
Unified Library
Asset GYM Line UP
Asset Painter
Can't append external project libraries
Constant crashes in landscape mode, path scatter (1.6.0)
UI for editing Surface and Path Scatter
Position Jitter on Path Scatter
A simple method for removing texture repetition
Add subtitles to level sequences
Megascans material convertion bug or nanite mesh import?
Texture dirt: create feature masking
Texture dirt hue: use a color picker instead of a number
Surface Scatter: when all objects are removed from the container the scatter remains
dirt materials
Pipe/Cable features/questions
Terrain pivot suddenly resets
Why not posting all the little Discord tutorial videos as shorts in Polygonflow YT channel?
Scattered objects growing smaller in the shade or under meshes
Issue with shadows on foilage
Two feature requests
scatter assets are showing up sunken and upside down. Anyone have a fix for this?
Custom asset libraries can load external projects
shift lens & keep Horizontal
Rotation and flip mirror in Material Edit
poly haven hdri images are really small
Why not specular in the material editor?
Procedural to static doesn't seem to be working in 1.5.1
Constant crashes after latest Dash update (1.5.1)
Make Instances editable in the surface scatter
Physical Surface as a mask
Perpetual Plan Question
Open Face mesh align to surface
Mouse wont hover over Dash ui after auto save
Dash License Management Site
Adding color variation to imported assets
Honest feedback
Website Improvement Suggestions
RVT Blending
UE Features stop working
First Impression and Issue
Sink in scatter should have a proportional mode
Scatter names should match what you have in the scene.
Merging of road/paths
Reverse Angle.
Add to camera controls a dropdown with common aspect ratios
use blueprint actors with mesh (and collision) as proximity or object masking
Request for chance/probability of each scatter items on one instance
Material Triplaner
Material Randomization
Add a Puddle Layers in Terrain
Radial Scatter
BUG: Changing Material on terrain leads to a bug
Suggestion: Add this stuff to terrain material
Feature suggestion: "Brush here"
Importing curves
Path Scatter - Keep bounding box distancing option
perpetual license and 2 yr updates