Saving Mechanism 1.7

question: I have been working on 1.6 for a project for a while that I push on a a server as part of a larger team and everything works fine. Will upgrading my end to 1.7 change anything that could influence the already existing work (that by the way has not been baked or anything in case there are changes at the moment).. cause I saw a it works a little differently in your tutorial I think? Thx
1 Reply
DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
Hey @EXTILE-AlexandrosD 🙂 We have improved and changed the saving mechanism in 1.7 yes, and it is backward compatible. But I think it would be best if all of you working on the project convert to 1.7 before opening the project. Not sure what would happen if some areon 1.6 and push changes to the server and some are on 1.7 and they push changes. But if it is only you who are using Dash in the project, I don't see any problems. But of course trying it out with a dummy project is never a bad idea either 🙂

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