Hi! I downloaded a branch of UE5.3 not
Hi! I downloaded a branch of UE5.3 not via EpicGameLauncher. How do I install the Dash plugin into the engine?
8 Replies
@cos88 could you assist our good friend here 🙏
Hello @rabbit_big , if your download is installed/built, you can pick the engine as custom path during the installation.
This will copy the necessary files inside the engine folders.
If you already tried this option, and it did not work, we can manually install the plugins by running a script.
Please let me knowif the installer worked with a custom path, or you need more help!
I tried to install it once using the installer, when the plugin installed it only detected Epic's UE5.3 path, I manually changed to the branch path, but the plugin was not detected in the program after installation. Is there a way to manually copy the plugin or something? I haven't been able to find Dash plugins in that folder directory in UE.
@cos88 If there are a lot of files, also you said that script is a good choice, can you give me a try?
yes, you can install it using a script, hold on while I put together some bullet points for you
Hello, please follow the video using the provided script to try installing the plugin "semi-automatically". If this still fails, we have a totally manual step by step you can follow here https://discord.com/channels/826908885024636989/1169255301271277568/1169255301271277568
The script didn't work, but I installed it manually and it worked fine in the branch.
Thank you for all your hard work!
C:\UERTX\UnrealEngine\Engine\Binaries\ThirdParty\Python3\Win64>python T:\dw\DashDw\install_from_unreal_interpreter.py "C:\Users\14051\Polygonflow\Dash"
Current interpreter path: C:\UERTX\UnrealEngine\Engine\Binaries\ThirdParty\Python3\Win64\python.exe
Editor path: C:\UERTX\UnrealEngine\Binaries/Win64/UnrealEditor.exe
[{'name': 'Unreal Engine -1', 'successful': False, 'message': 'No compatible GraphNUnrealPlugin plugin found for c:\uertx\unrealengine\ with version -1', 'assets': []}]
The script failure may have something to do with my path naming.
thanks for the log, that is probably why you couldn't install it from the installer as well. Thanks for your patience. Glad is working now!