PDPolygonflow Dash
Created by RabbitBig on 3/16/2024 in #dash-feedback
Dash delays the otherwise smooth animation
@Daniel - COO Hi When I started dash, I felt a noticeable lag when playing the level sequences, even though there was no Dash script in the scene. Obviously the Dash is refreshing or detecting something every frame, and my switching the Dash non-Runtime mode didn't fix anything. I hope the later version optimizations will fix this, otherwise I'll have to turn Dash off to preview the animation smoothly. Thanks!
8 replies
PDPolygonflow Dash
Created by RabbitBig on 2/21/2024 in #dash-feedback
A simple method for removing texture repetition
No description
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PDPolygonflow Dash
Created by RabbitBig on 2/19/2024 in #dash-feedback
Add subtitles to level sequences
@Daniel - COO Hi! Rendering subtitles in UE has always been a headache and a chore. I wish Dash had a quick and easy solution. So far as I know, there are three approaches 1. Add a plane to the camera port as a subset, using materials This method is difficult to modify and complicated to operate. 2. Use UMG and add to track This method is cumbersome to use manually, there is a plugin that simplifies the process, but cannot directly play the preview in the level sequence when it needs to be run. 3. Using plugins (I've only found Trailer Maker so far This plugin can do this) Plugin developer is not active, can't add gradients, can't use Chinese fonts (or maybe I didn't find the right way) To sum up, I think in the process of film and television rendering, a function that can easily add subtitles is very needed. Many people have to use other software to synthesize subtitles at a later stage.
4 replies
PDPolygonflow Dash
Created by RabbitBig on 2/2/2024 in #dash-feedback
Custom asset libraries can load external projects
Hi, I tried the custom asset library in the latest version. It's great to use, but can it then load external project UE libraries like Megascan? As you import more and more asset packages into the project, there is a huge memory footprint, which can exceed 100GB. If imported from outside, you can keep a clean project and use only the assets you need. I know of a plugin called Uasset Browser that can do this, but it keeps the same structure as the project when browsing, and Dash's AI notes are much better to use.
5 replies