Adnan Chaumette
Adnan Chaumette
PDPolygonflow Dash
Created by Adnan Chaumette on 2/3/2024 in #faq-forum
How to Scatter Inside Curves?
To scatter "inside" a curve like you'd do with PCG: - Open your Dash scatter tool, then go to the group Object Masking. - With your curve selected in the viewport, click on the Plus icon of the Objects property under the group. - Then check the Keep Inside checkbox, and that's it! See the video for more, and keep in mind that this trick works for meshes as well! Just pass a mesh to the Objects property, then check Keep Inside, and only the scattered objects inside your mesh(es) will be kept. Check the video for all the steps outlined above.
1 replies
PDPolygonflow Dash
Created by Adnan Chaumette on 12/14/2023 in #dash-feedback
Path Scatter - Keep bounding box distancing option
When scattering objects along a path, like say vehicles, we should have the ability to keep them distanced properly without overlap, even if the vehicles have different scales.
2 replies