My main question about Spline That s how

My main question about Spline .. That's how to draw a straight line or snap specific area to make scatter on it without wrong draw far of area I want it?
5 Replies
DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
Hey, I did not really understand the second part of your question, could you maybe re-phrase? 🙂 regarding making a straight spline, in the Curve Action, there is this shortcut, "Smooth" by holding" shift and MMB, which makes it a bit straighter. And the changes that can be made depends on the amount of points on the curve so you might need to use the shortcut, CTRL MMB to decrease those first. And if that is not enough, you can open the full Curve Tool by searching for it in Dash, and there you can adjust the "Edit Strenght" value before you start drawing, that will make your changes happen faster/more 🙂
bolbolegyptOP2y ago
What is the process for drawing straight lines on a specific area, instead of curved or winding lines? hope if my question is clear for you? Now i will do what you said and give you feedback
DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
Yes! I think I actually answered it! 🙂 But it could help to understand what the end result you are looking for is?' I think the idea with splines is usually to draw them non-straight, so there might exist a better way for you than trying to make straight splines, depending on what it is you want to achieve in the end? 🙂
bolbolegyptOP2y ago
yes mini cases need line to be straight for area .. specially with hedges .. or put some green wall on Wall straight .. I'm doing some practice to understand best ways by Dash curves .. hope it successful Big thanks for help .. really you're shortening me too much time. Thank you
DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
No worries! 👏

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