Megascans/Bridge assets not visible in the Content Library

If the Megascans view in the Content Library is empty for you even though you have assets downloaded from UE-Bridge, the most probable reason for this is that the Content Library couldn't locate where you downloaded your Bridge assets. Here is a short video showing you how to locate the Bridge "UAsset" folder and add that path to the Content Library. Sometimes it takes a minute for the newly downloaded assets from Bridge to appear. Also worth noting is that your assets downloaded from standalone Bridge or from the Megascans website are not supposed to be able to be seen inside the Content Library. We currently only support the UE-Bridge assets. P.S, make sure to use the paper clip icon on the right in the preferences window to assign the path, do not paste it directly into the path box. And also make sure to restart UE and download a couple more assets from UE Bridge if it ain't working directly after setting the path.
1 Reply
DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
But as of Dash 1.5 we now also support downloaded atlases from Standalone Bridge and from the Megascans website. So in order to view these, you also have to make sure the right path for that folder is given, here is a video showing how to give the right path: Worth noting is that I have the same path for both, but all people may not have that, so that is why we have included the ability to choose different paths for UE-Bridge and standalone Bridge (for atlases only) If you still have problems, let us know! 🙂

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