Path Spline Editing Gone?

Path Spline Editing Gone?
13 Replies
BleakOP•2w ago
I have a path from a path scatter but i cant seem to edit the spline?
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BleakOP•2w ago
the splie is there
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DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
Do you mean you can't see the spline?🤔 Neither in the viewport or in the outliner? as of the latest update sadly newly made splines by Draw Curve is named untitled. A bug we missed 😕
BleakOP•2w ago
My splines keep disappearing, well they are there but no longer connected to the editor so i cant modify them I was doing path scatters
DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
Hey @Bleak When you say connected to the editor, do you mean connected to the Path Scatter?
BleakOP•7d ago
I mean being able to modify a path through editor tools. The edit panel options disappear after a restart or just random. When I click a spline or path then click edit the settings are gone Nothing in tools or in little icon in panel to edit previously created paths
DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
If you have the Tools Panel open and don't see your Path Scatter if you select the Path Scatter results in the viewport, and not see the Path Scatter if you open the list of Active Tools in the Tools Panel the tool connection must have become broken :/ This happens most oftenly when people accidently deletes the Spline (bringing it back with CTRL Z, does not always mean it is re-assigned properly in the Path Scatter) Could this has been the case you believe?
BleakOP•7d ago
Nope not deleted it spline is still here
DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
hmm okay, then not sure what resulted in the broken tool connection. Are you working in any level instancers or some more "advanced" UE workflow?
BleakOP•7d ago
Nope just normal level this time Does it a lot
DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
Hmm, sounds really strange, must be something in your workflow that doesn't like Dash logic if it happens a lot 🤔 Does it happen so often so you reproduce it on a call? Would probably need to see it to understand further 🤔
BleakOP•6d ago
Let me try a few and see if I can spot when it happens I just had a thought whilst I am ingesting my caffeine requirements to get outta bed, you mentioned there was a bug in udash naming actor untitled. Could it be overwriting the actor?
DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
Naah I don't think so, I am able to create several curves 🤔

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