Sorting by Alphabetical Order in the Dash Content Library
Hi guys,
I think that a really cool improvement to Dash is to have a way to sort the assets alphabetically in the Dash Content Library.
In my opinion, it doesn't even have to be an option, it could be the default sorting.
We have the search, of course, to find a specific asset that you know the name or tags.
But a lot of times, at least for me, the best way to find the right asset is to look into a specific folder for the assets in that folder. And having the assets sorted by their names would be really great and improve usability, to have this overview organized and understand what assets I have of some type.

6 Replies
For example, in the screenshot above, we have "Blinds", "Curtains" and "Shutters". When I go to that folder to find an asset, they are all desorganized.
If all the Blinds, Curtains and Shutters were sorted together by their name, it would be really really easier to compare the assets that I have and select the one that I want analysing all that are available of a type side by side.
And it could also improve the search itself.
In this second screenshot you can see that in the search also, the assets are not organized by name.
In this example it would also be more efficient to have them sorted alphabettically, because, even them all being Curtains, there are different sets of curtains, that are made to be used together (Set_02 with the other assets of Set_02 and so on).

This improvement would increase productivity a lot, at least in my use case!
I totally understand your reasoning and the logic! Actually, we did have this in the past but the sorting was too slow so we removed it until we found the time to add a new one, and up until now, no one has mentioned it 😄
But thanks for the request, I have added it to our todo list!
Thanks, Daniel!
Indeed, I think that the speed of the Content Library is even more important than the sorting and organization of the assets.
But in the ideal world, we could have both! 🙂
Looking forward for it if it's possible!