Path scatter not updating in 1.8.3
I just updated from 1.8.2 to 1.8.3. Now when i try to modify a path used for path scattering it will not update on screen. The same goes for any other modifications i make in the scatter editor. Only when i re-open the project the changes can be seen. That i sfrustrating.
Link to screen recording:
14 Replies
Hey @Mikkel Strøbech, that sounds really strange!🤔
Is this happening consistently? I.e. now if you restart UE, and make new changes, nothing happens before you restart another time?
What UE version are you on?
In your video, were I supposed to see some Dash panels? I did not, I think you have to record the screen area and not just UE, as Dash sits on top of UE.
When you try to adjust a scatter setting, do you see anything in the UE output log? Any message or error?
Can you also send me a picture of your Dash preferences? The base settings, I am curious on your Execution Mode.
I uses 5.4. Dash components are there but invisible in video recordings.
@spatiotemporal Any ideas here?
can you send the curve you are using also the settings of your Path Scatter?
Here first an initial error in console when opening the scene:
Here is the scatter settings:
Now please tell me how i would get you the curves which are spline objects i can't export from the scene.
copy them to an empty map and send the umap file
This is an empty level with the curves i have used.
ok good news, was able to recreate the issue, will fix it by tomorrow and will send a file that you can update later on