Content missing

Hi, ive been using dash for about 2 weeks. Its great! but few issues. Today when i load an existing level the terrain has gone. Still in outliner but not visible in the level and the content browser is missing assets and sections such as megascans etc. Says unified view only. Am i missing something here that i need to reset?
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10 Replies
Elorhan•4w ago
Also like to know, how do you get the terrain to keep collision? Each time i press play the character will fall through the terrain ground. If i type set collision into the dash toolbar it works once then on next play will be turned off again. Any help most appreciated, cheers
DanielFreden•4w ago
Hey @Elorhan ! Sorry about these issues! 1. Very strange error, is it the same if you restart UE? Also, please check the UE output log if you see some red error messages. Neither of this should of course not be happening. 2. I think you need to convert to terrain to static, just search for convert to static in Dash. Then you could turn on collision and it should remain active! 🙂
Elorhan•4w ago
Thanks ill try that for the terrain. As for the content browser. I tried restating a few times and multiple projects. It works in one of my projects no problem but not in the others even if was there before. Have also tried a brand new unreal project and was still not showing. Using 5.3. In one of the projects that was not loading there was a few red, errors have attached a text file.
DanielFreden•4w ago
Thank you for the details! @Costantino - CTO any ideas here?
Costantino•4w ago
From the log I see it seems some old error when some asset data was generated incomplete. What version of Dash are you using @Elorhan ?
Elorhan•4w ago
looks like 1.6.1
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Costantino•4w ago
Ok, let me send you a fix, one moment
Costantino•4w ago
Ok try to replace the attached file in the directory where you have installed dash. C:\Users\YOUR_USER\Polygonflow\Dash\Plugins\UnrealEngineContext\Imports\GN\UnrealContentLibrary
Costantino•4w ago
make sure to close unreal before, replace the file, then reopen with the project/s that were giving you issues if something still now works, please provide again the output log data
Elorhan•4w ago
Thanks so much, ill try when i get back to PC and let you know 🙂