UE5.3.2 Physics Tool Crash

Hello, I have a serious problem. Sometimes when I use Dash Physics Tool, the engine crashes. In this video, I was using 50 glass pieces to drop down on a floor. Everytime I use the tool, I got a crash. Before that I used 3 canisters and they animated correctly without any problem. I don't know why on some meshes the engine crashes with Physics Tool.
7 Replies
RahlSilverOP•12mo ago
The video doesn't show Dash interface but I was clicking simple collisions and dynamic options then press the start button. After that, it crashes
Adnan Chaumette
Adnan Chaumette•12mo ago
@Balu check this 🔼
spatiotemporal•12mo ago
can you send the unreal log file and the crash report that unreal generates? It should be within your project and inside of the Saved/Logs for the log file and Saved/Crashes folders also seems to be that objects fly sideways i dont know how the building's meshes are placed(is it one mesh, is it modular etc) but if you are inside a house and lets say that house is 1 mesh, its collision mesh is a big box like shape, so you are within a collision mesh at the start(this will try to push out objects from that collision mesh). So selecting the house then clicking on complex is needed to have proper collisions
RahlSilverOP•12mo ago
These are the last log files I have after the crash. Yeah, objects were flying sideways because of the rotations I guess. Never happened before. The meshes I was using to drop down was single assets (9 different pieces). I duplicated them many times (also tried with only 9 assets, again crash). The environment I was in is made of many modular assets. So it is not a single asset house. Every asset has a proper collision, including the glass pieces. It doesn't matter if I click simple/complex collision on assets that already have collisions, after selecting dynamic and hitting the start button will play a second drop animation and then a crash.
spatiotemporal•12mo ago
can you also send the crash files? should be inside of Saved/Crashes you could even send that whole folder 😄
RahlSilverOP•12mo ago
Here you go 😄

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