Scatter questions

Hi, 1) can we use this directly with a landscape layer? 2) can we use a sort of mask texture for the masking part? so that we can generate meshes and areas without mesh based on alpha? 3) instead of actors or meshes, can we use existing layers (tabs?) of the surface scatter as the target for a proximity? So that we dont have to manually add objects for the proximity to check. Like if I have a layer for trees and i want grass to spawn near it, i just click/link the layer for such tree so that it includes all trees under that layer. 4) If I want to spawn trees in a landscape and I do not want them to conform to the normal of the surface of the landscape, lets say can we spawn them vertically? But doing so might expose some roots of the tree since some areas are sloped, so can these meshes be offset on Z to place them lower or higher? (*i think i saw the sink here in the chat) I assume there are already slides for the random rotation 5) in reference to no.4, do you think you can add a sort of physics scatter to make the scatter a bit realistic in some scenarios. Like lets say we scatter meshes using the tools have it offset on z space higher then trigger physics on each mesh and let them fall naturally and then bake them. 6) can you support scattering of blueprint actors? I need to scatter some interactive stuff 7) Do you think you can add a cheaper subscription plan for users wanting to use only the tools you created and not use the custom graph (graphn)? I am trying to avoid graphs atm. hehe Thanks
5 Replies
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aoshi11OPā€¢2y ago
Thank you for the reply. I do have other blueprint scatter tools atm which work well with smaller scenes and I also watched the pcg tutorials. Seeing your videos it really shows that it is indeed faster especially on large and complicated setups. With all the graphs in unreal, i dont think i want to go deeper with PCG graph atm, so your plugin is really good as it is mostly UI. I do hope you would be doing more video setups, as it keeps us updated and more interested with the tools pending decision to subscribe. I suggest doing small to large, closed interiors like within a building, rooms, corridors, etc. As well as mix of closed and open environments. I will definitely subscribe once i finish one project and hopefully by that time physics scatter and hopefully blueprint actors can be used. Thanks
DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
Thanks for the kind words, we are trying to keep the UI simple as simple as possible while creating powerful tools! Thanks for the video ideas, we are working on more videos, but have been in full development mode for a while so that is why we have not posted much to Youtube for a while. šŸ‘
aoshi11OPā€¢2y ago
Btw, I saw the video on the physics scatter stuff, i do hope you can find a way to have a tool to also delete meshes that have been generated by physics, sort of erase tool. hehe
DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
Ye the physics scatter is a tool we are working on! And yes a nice way of deletion is a great complement šŸ˜„

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