I had so many hopes but...
Please tell me there is a fix for this, my first try with DASH and I was doing well till I try to save my level after the entire morning of working and...I cant save my level anymore 😦 Even, closing, the project, deleting all the DASH FILES, I cant save the Level anymore (the other levels I can still save).
Cmd: OBJ SAVEPACKAGE PACKAGE="/Game/Bugaboo/Levels/Bugaboo_Level_01" FILE="F:/Projetos/Umatik_Bugaboo/Bugaboo/Content/Bugaboo/Levels/Bugaboo_Level_01.umap" SILENT=true AUTOSAVING=false KEEPDIRTY=false
LogPython: ACTOR SAVED <Object '/Game/Bugaboo/Levels/Bugaboo_Level_01.Bugaboo_Level_01:PersistentLevel.DashSceneData_C_1' (0x000009E2F2D94600) Class 'DashSceneData_C'>
LogUObjectHash: Compacting FUObjectHashTables data took 0.51ms
LogSavePackage: Moving output files for package: /Game/Bugaboo/Levels/Bugaboo_Level_01
LogFileManager: Warning: MoveFile was unable to move 'F:/Projetos/Umatik_Bugaboo/Bugaboo/Content/Bugaboo/Levels/Bugaboo_Level_01.umap' to 'F:/Projetos/Umatik_Bugaboo/Bugaboo/Saved/Bugaboo_Level_01031C072C4FE04025C37EC2952626A044.tmp' (Error Code 32), retrying in .5s...
LogFileManager: Error: Error moving file 'F:/Projetos/Umatik_Bugaboo/Bugaboo/Content/Bugaboo/Levels/Bugaboo_Level_01.umap' to 'F:/Projetos/Umatik_Bugaboo/Bugaboo/Saved/Bugaboo_Level_01031C072C4FE04025C37EC2952626A044.tmp'.
LogSavePackage: Warning: Failed to move 'F:/Projetos/Umatik_Bugaboo/Bugaboo/Content/Bugaboo/Levels/Bugaboo_Level_01.umap' to temp directory
LogSavePackage: Error: Error saving 'F:/Projetos/Umatik_Bugaboo/Bugaboo/Content/Bugaboo/Levels/Bugaboo_Level_01.umap'
EditorErrors: Warning: Error saving 'F:/Projetos/Umatik_Bugaboo/Bugaboo/Content/Bugaboo/Levels/Bugaboo_Level_01.umap'
LogFileHelpers: Saving map 'Bugaboo_Level_01' took 5.670
3 Replies
Update. After deinstall and reinstall DASH I was able to save the level.
oh shit that's not good!
Glad it worked eventually!
@Ilgar (Software Developer) any ideas what happened here?
Can't tell without closer look. Maybe bad installation, or just unreal stuff. @Luciano Daluz let us know it this happens again and we investigate