Can someone please tell me why my trees are surfing the waves?

Soooo, yes this happened last night. any idea what triggers it?????
4 Replies
Adnan Chaumette
This is because of vertex animation on them! 🙂 The materials on the tree probably have a parameter to control animation speed, or disable animation altogether. Tweak that, and you should get much better results.
Punisher4w ago
I know they have a wind tik box in their MI, might be that, I'll uncheck that and see... Thank you 👍🏻
Synaesthesia4w ago
Hey @Punisher - for future questions like this, please kindly use #dash or #unreal-engine since this is a feedback forum for developer requests. But happy to see Adnan got back with ya! More info:
Arthis4w ago
Try this: find MF_SimpleWind, edit ObjectPivotPoint in the Main Rotator, and there in Transform Position change source from local space into instance & particle space.