Edit Existing Surface Scatter
Hi all, just a simple newbie question: how do you edit an existing Surface Scatter? I can't seem to go back in and make changes. Any help appreciated!
7 Replies
If you select the scatter results, do you see this icon in Dash?

Ah yes I see it now - for some reason I didn't before. Thanks for that!
And just to add, am super impressed by Dash after only a few hours- it's made my transition from C4D to Unreal a whole lot smother! Can't wait to really dive into it
No worries! 🙂
Thanks for saying that!😍 We will be here if you have other questions! Lots of stuff in Dash, our YT covers some, but we have not had the time to cover everything yet😅
This YT playlist is a great start though: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA8x6Gryv9C-YSeyME9uey5Q94SGzQWxX&si=DxL4AsH6lggHqudV
Dash Tools Tutorials
A series of videos going over all the different tools/features in Dash. One per video.

Thanks Daniel, yes the vids have been very helpful
One thing I wondered; is it possible to quantize the rotation option in the surface scatter? Say for instance to limit it to 90 degree rotations? I work in film art department and being able to randomise at 90 for things like city buildings, warehouse dressing elements etc. would be great
That's not something we have right now no, but noting it down! But if you do turn off random rotation and give the X Rot jitter value a little change, you get variations in 180 degrees, maybe that is helpful 🙂
I just saw this Daniel, thanks for taking the time to post! Have noticed the feedback channel so will keep such questions there
No worries at all! 🙂