PDPolygonflow Dash
Created by IronRations on 3/4/2024 in #dash-feedback
UI for editing Surface and Path Scatter
What does anyone think about having a single edit window that switches to whatever scatter you currently have selected? Currently if you edit a Scatter object it creates an edit window, then if you go to edit a different scatter object, it pops up a new seperate edit window directly over the other one. If you are editing multiple scatters at once you need multiple windows open, then you have to arrange them across your screen, and then have to remember which one is for which. A single window that matches your outliner selection seems more instinctive, and a bit lighter on screen real estate perhaps?
2 replies
PDPolygonflow Dash
Created by IronRations on 3/3/2024 in #dash-feedback
Position Jitter on Path Scatter
Hi team, would it be possible to add Position Jitter on path scatter, to give more randomness? Being able to specify x, y & z positions would be extremely handy
2 replies