Two feature requests

1. Scatter per material for meshes with multiple materials. 2. An option in path scatters width settings to mirror one side. Would be great for guardrails or snow embankments on roads.
16 Replies
DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
Hey! 1. Do you mean you would like to have an object, and then duplicate it and adjust the materials on each, and then scatter both? So they have different materials? We do have a feature called foliage variation, that let's you change the materials on the scattered assets do have more variance in the result. would that be helpful?
DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
2. hmm what exactly do you mean? You don't mean this do you? 🤔
der_urigOP•13mo ago
Nope. I have this wall/road/grass - model with three different materials (cracked road/stone wall/wild grass) I'd like to scatter some moss and small plants only at the wall material. The angle mask doesn't do it and the height mask doesn't work because the road is ascending.
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der_urigOP•13mo ago
With "surface align" 1 it looks ok... on the outside. But under the road it's growing too. Strange or not?
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Synaesthesia•13mo ago
Try limiting the scatter to the wall objects only.
der_urigOP•13mo ago
Unfortunately it is one single object, the wall, the road and the grass. The wall material is with displacement.
Synaesthesia•13mo ago
Add a box object and encompass the wall with it, then set the scatter instance to object mask with the box. Put a transparent material on the box and that should do it
der_urigOP•13mo ago
And another great tip. Thanks a lot.
aoshi11•13mo ago
I am interested, can you show the wireframe of the model? Have you tried doing vertex painting feature? but yeah that would involve painting it hehe Did you also set the minimum height of the scatter so it will remove those at the bottom?
der_urigOP•13mo ago
Hi, aoshi11. - I tried everything you mentioned but at the end i detached the wall from the model and I'm happy now. Scattered the surface with sandstones and the sandstones with vegetation.
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DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
The result looks amazing! 😄
der_urigOP•13mo ago
Thanks. It isn't finished yet. That was a 5 Minute work 😄 btw, this is the original wall I try to reconstruct:
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DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
Cool! Is the structure completely rounded? If so radial scatter might be helpful for the bushes 😄
der_urigOP•13mo ago
Nope, it's a veeery long wall. The green path in my render is for the grasses and bushes.
der_urigOP•13mo ago
this is the place I try to reconstruct. It's a hall build for big events inside a movie park near Berlin. Most of it is finished except for the vegetation.
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DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
Ah, I see, cool project! Let me know if there is any other parts you need help with! 🙂

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