Receive decal on path scatter

Hello! Is there any chance we could have an checkbox to receive or not decals in mesh scatter and path scatter?
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5 Replies
Adnan Chaumette
Adnan Chaumette•3w ago
@Ilgar could you add this as a bool in the Misc settings of Surface Scatter, and add a misc settings to Path Scatter and put it there as well. @Krysnamurty3D are you using the tool Mesh Scatter? or Surface Scatter? Mesh Scatter has been deprecated for about two years now 😅
Krysnamurty3D•3w ago
oh sorry it was surface scatter lol
Adnan Chaumette
Adnan Chaumette•3w ago
knew it 😄 gotcha then! We'll add this and ship it in the next update. Thanks for bringing it up!
Krysnamurty3D•3w ago
Nice!!! thnx!! 🤩
Ilgar•3w ago
Will be disabled by default