Merge Actors & UDIM
I don't know exactly how the merged material is created when you merge many assets together. I've tried to merge too many of them and the look of the merged material changed dramatically (maybe merge many 4K textures into one 4K texture can lead to bad results).
But...if the merge actors tool can generate UDIM textures on the merged mesh that problem can be overcome, right?
When I do photogrammetry the software that do that usually make me choose if, on the final mesh, I want to apply a single (ex. 8K) texture or multiple UDIM texures.
In that way, with dash, we could create big new assets with very high detail starting from many small assets.
1 Reply
This Dash action uses the Merge command in Unreal actually. So we are constrained with that command/tool.
What you can try is instead of searching "merge", search "merge advanced" and then it should open the merge actors window where you maybe can find option for UDIM. Not sure if this helps, or not, but let me know how it goes!