Precision Control like Blender

Blender has a precision control function that allows you to make finer adjustments. I think it's great that Dash has the reverse function so that the shift key for example makes some settings more sensitive. However, I often find that the sensitivity is too high by default. It depends also by the setting, it is good on some settings and it is way to sensitive by the other. It would therefore be cool if a kind of "precision control" were also introduced here.
1 Reply
DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
It is a bit messy right now for sure, but you can try: 1. CTRL 2. Shift 3. CTRL + Shift 4. ALT Depending on the tool, these increase or decrease the sensitivity actually. 🙂 What tool/s did you think have too high default sensitivity? I can check if the decrease is available in those 🙂

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