I install it but it is not working 😦

I install it but it is not working 😦 When i clic on the icon, nothing happen 😦
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70 Replies
Adnan Chaumette
Hi @francoisdallaire_fddesign ! Can you open the UE output log, and show me what message you have? 🙏 Sorry for the issue 😦
François Dallaire (FD Design)
how can I have access to it?
Adnan Chaumette
thanks for the screenshot! Just to double check, did you download this version from the website?
François Dallaire (FD Design)
yes, this morning
François Dallaire (FD Design)
sorry for the french text 😉
Adnan Chaumette
je suis français donc ça va 😄
François Dallaire (FD Design)
haaaaa encore mieux 😄 je suis de Québec
Adnan Chaumette
la chance haha tu peux voir dans ton notification tray si ta license est activated?
Adnan Chaumette
like this
François Dallaire (FD Design)
quand je double click dessus, rien ne se passe
Adnan Chaumette
Fais moi signe si ta license est activé, et telecharge puis installe GraphN par ce lien aussi 🙏 https://polygonflow-public.s3.eu-north-1.amazonaws.com/GraphNInstaller.exe
François Dallaire (FD Design)
super logiciel en passant 😄 du moins de ce que j'ai vue dans les vidéos...Pas encore testé
Adnan Chaumette
merci! j'espère que tu vas pouvoir l'utiliser dans quelques instants ^^'
François Dallaire (FD Design)
tu es seule à développer le truc?
Adnan Chaumette
nah on est une plus ou moins grande équipê ^^' 16 pour être éxacte, et on travaille sur GraphN, GraphN Library, et un autre logiciel en dev
François Dallaire (FD Design)
C'est la bonne version?
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François Dallaire (FD Design)
je suis confus avec la release note 1,1 😮
François Dallaire (FD Design)
oui étrange
Adnan Chaumette
il se peut que l'on ai pas mis à jour la version dans le path 🤔 Une fois que tu as installé la nouvelle version sur le lien ci-dessus, tu as toujours le même problème sur UE? n'oublie pas de check ça aussi: https://discordapp.com/channels/826908885024636989/1046902271847448607/1046903957785673869
Adnan Chaumette
et le license manager te montre quoi pour ta license?
François Dallaire (FD Design)
il télécharge toujours 😉
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François Dallaire (FD Design)
pas super rapide comme serveur hahaha
Adnan Chaumette
ah! d'acc, fais moi signe une fois que tu l'installe
François Dallaire (FD Design)
je pense qu'avast n'aime pas votre logiciel....C'est possible? il le supprime
Adnan Chaumette
hmm c'est étrange, le logiciel est sensé être validé pour ce genre d'anti-virus 🤔 switchons à l'anglais pour que m'on collègue puisse suivre le fil de convo 😅
Adnan Chaumette
@francoisdallaire_fddesign can you somehow make avast ignore the deletion?
François Dallaire (FD Design)
the .exe file have be deleted from my folder as I install it 😮
François Dallaire (FD Design)
when I click on the link to download it
Adnan Chaumette
yeah you can click on "poursuivre le téléchargement" 👍 does it delete it after you do that?
François Dallaire (FD Design)
I deactivated AVAST for 1 hour lol it seams to work now 🙂 avast don't like GraphN 😉
Adnan Chaumette
ahh good to know that it works! 😄 are you able to do something like scattering?
François Dallaire (FD Design)
I sent a request for a trial
Adnan Chaumette
you should get an email with a trial, check the email you used 👍
François Dallaire (FD Design)
is it long before I received a licenkey?
Adnan Chaumette
what message did you get when you put in your email to request a trial? also, can you give me your email here? the one with which you requested the trial$
Adnan Chaumette
you didn't receive any email with the license key? can you check your spam? sorry again for the issues; this is definitely not normal 😅
François Dallaire (FD Design)
nothing in spam
Adnan Chaumette
Just DM'ed you your license, can you try it and let me know if it works 🙏
François Dallaire (FD Design)
votre logiciel ne fonctionne pas
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Unknown User3y ago
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François Dallaire (FD Design)
when I install GraphN, Unreal refuse to start so, I need to uninstall GraphN...Maybe it's because au Avast? of Avast*
Unknown User
Unknown User3y ago
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François Dallaire (FD Design)
I think you're download file is wrong 😦 send me the download link here please
Adnan Chaumette
Hi again! To make sure that we do this properly: - Uninstall GraphN completely from your computer. - Go to this directory: c:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.1\Engine\Plugins\Marketplace\ and delete the "GraphNUnrealPlugin" folder. - Download GraphN with the exact link that I gave you yesterday: https://polygonflow-public.s3.eu-north-1.amazonaws.com/GraphNInstaller.exe - If Avast gives you some arbitrary error, please ignore it/tell avast that the file is safe. - Install it, and put in the license key that I also sent you. - Open GraphN (Win, then type GraphN to find the software), then go to Help/Menu, and double check that you have 1.1.0 - Check that the license is "Active" in the License Server (you can find it in the notifications tray). - Start Unreal Engine 5.1, and let us know if you still have the same error.
François Dallaire (FD Design)
I am confused with this version 😮 is it ok with 1,0?
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François Dallaire (FD Design)
still not working when I double click on the icon
François Dallaire (FD Design)
maybe I am not wise enough 😉 hahahaha wish you good luck with you're software...Maybe add it to the market place make it easier to everyone to have it work properly? @asztalosdani @adnanchaumette
François Dallaire (FD Design)
The icon is there but nothing happen when i click it 😉
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François Dallaire (FD Design)
I waste enough of my time on this I will wait for another ''more reliable'' tool 🙂
Adnan Chaumette
Sorry for the issues man, really 😦 this seems to be very user-specific and we can't do much about it unless you help us debug it.
François Dallaire (FD Design)
maybe it's my computer? but I only have issues with your software so...The issue is on your side (software)
Adnan Chaumette
it's likely a mix of the two. If you Open GraphN (the software), then go to the menu -> help -> about, does it say 1.1.0? I know that it doesn't say 1.1.0 on the installer as you posted in your screenshot, but would appreciate it if you could tell us whether the version in GraphN's menu itself is also 1.0.0 or 1.1.0
Adnan Chaumette
basically this is what we want to see
François Dallaire (FD Design)
GraphN is not opening when I click it (at all)
Adnan Chaumette
this one?
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Adnan Chaumette
yeah this is most likely computer-bound 😅 don't think we can help much at this stage unfortunately, we'll have to do some testing with avast internally, and see if there's anything there that causes the issue.
François Dallaire (FD Design)
Maybe another day hahahah

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