Screen / Window Issue

By the way. I have this weird issue with the edit window (a bug I guess). It sometimes jump to the top of the screen and can't be moved cause the top part is out of the screen area. (Using 2 monitors). The titlebar is out of reach...
16 Replies
DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
Heey @marcusdee πŸ™‚ This sounds like a issue related to 2 monitors yees Can you check which of your screens is "main" in windows settings? And then try if having UE on one or the other makes any difference? You can also try changing which one is the main one
marcusdeeOPβ€’2w ago
I'll check later Daniel. First have a deadline to catch today for a client;)
DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
Alrighty best of luck!
marcusdeeOPβ€’2w ago
Goodmorning Daniel. I changed my main windows monitors, but that did not solve it. Somehow the edit window is placed with its title bar outside the top of my screen. When I rescale de UE windows a few time from full screen to window mode the window mostly pops back in place. But not always at the first time. Also depends on where the edit window is located. Sometime is return to the other monitor also:)
DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
Hey @marcusdee πŸ™‚ Very very strange! First report I have heard about this specific issue. Could you share with me some more details? 1. Your screen placements from the Windows Settings 2. Your screen resolutions and zoom in Windows settings 3. Dash UI Scale in Dash Preferences 4. And are you using any custom window layout in UE?
marcusdeeOPβ€’2w ago
Screen setings
No description
marcusdeeOPβ€’2w ago
Have not changed Dash UI scale, But I'm using a custom layout in UE with 2 viewports. Left monitor has viewport 1 and contentbrowser docked to the right. Rigth screen had Detail window, layer window, second viewport with sequencer below it all docked in one window. I'll try to replicate it and make a screenshot for you today:)
DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
Thanks! My guess would be that it is related to the different viewports/custom layout, so my best suggestion would be to experiment with having Dash on both, and also try the default layout and see if you can reach any conclusions Do you load directly into your custom layout, or do you switch to it after UE opened? That might make a difference as well
marcusdeeOPβ€’2w ago
So quick other issue/bug I've encountered. Removing objects from the table does notremove them from my scatter surface. I have to remove them manually and start over🧐 My layout opens with the scene. (I guess it's saved with the scene)
DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
Can you record a video, here it works well 😦
marcusdeeOPβ€’2w ago
Check will do somewhere this morningπŸ‘πŸ»
marcusdeeOPβ€’2w ago
1 file sent via WeTransfer, the simplest way to send your files around the world
marcusdeeOPβ€’2w ago
Could not upload it here because it's size. You can grab the screenrecording with the link πŸ™‚ After moving the scatter plane in my scene the grasses mysteriously have disappeared. wtf! πŸ˜›
DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
Aaah now I get it, yee if you delete all of them, it can't update so it can't show you the new "reality". So if you properly want to remove the scatter, you need to delete the results instead πŸ™‚ But if you remove the 5 grass assets, and then assign one/any asset, it will update
marcusdeeOPβ€’2w ago
Did you see my message about the +sign besides the close window button. Took me some time to find out how to add an extra layer in the table window. It's a bit hidden usability wise;)
DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
Yep, I responded as well πŸ˜„ Good note, the table feature is so new, so it will and defintely needs a few improvements

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