Levels Loading and Density Bug

Hi, I have discovered a rather nasty bug with surface scatters. I will try to explain Dash 1.7.0 Unreal Engine 5.3.2 Create a new project and add a sublevel called vegetation Add some geometry and some surface scatters and set the density to something reasonably high that you will remember like 0.85 Toggle the Vegetation Level visibility to OFF and save the project Exit Unreal Load the project again Toggle the Vegetation Levell Visibility to ON RESULT: is that all the scatters that you just created have their density set to 1.0 internally and they become very dense and impossible to work with, the Density number will still show 0.85 in the settings. FIX: set the density to 0.86 and then set it back again to 0.85 and it will reset the density back to what you intended it to be. Be nice if we could get a fix for this since it is really nasty if we have vast amounts of plants and you use the sequencer to turn on and off levels for cinematic rendering or work in teams with varying GPUs and need to control how much data is loaded by splitting into levels. Cheers
7 Replies
sailingintothewindOP•7mo ago
and I just had this issue again but it happened without following the above instructions - now my scene is running at a crawl and I have had to remove the assets from the scatter. Somehow I think there needs to be an internal check that never ever allows a density of 1 since it overloads the system @Polygonflow Team could you take a look at this and see if you can replicate the error?
Adnan Chaumette
Adnan Chaumette•7mo ago
Hi! This slipped through the cracks somehow, checking...
sailingintothewindOP•7mo ago
Thank you Adnan - really appreciate it
Adnan Chaumette
Adnan Chaumette•7mo ago
OK just read through your message. We're aware of the issue regarding sublevels & other saving issues, and are actively working to fix it. And you're right, there should be a cap on instancing, and in the upcoming update I've made sure that it's the case. Right now, 1.0 will exceed the Max Count property of your surface scatter, which doesn't make sense. In the upcoming 1.8 update, this is not an issue anymore.
sailingintothewindOP•7mo ago
That is good to hear - yes - the 1.0 density just creates a vast amount of meshes over the top of one another and makes the entire scene crawl until it is fixed or worse crashes sequence renders. So this would be super to have this sorted. When is 1.8 due out?
Adnan Chaumette
Adnan Chaumette•7mo ago
Within a week or two would be my guess 🙂
sailingintothewindOP•7mo ago
excellent - thank you for your fast feedback!

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