Dash 1.8.5 not running in UE
I uninstalled the previous version of Dash using its uninstaller. Afterward, I reinstalled Dash 1.8.5 with administrative privileges. However, when I click on the Dash icon in UE 5.4, an error message appears in the output log (attached as message.txt). I've also included the InstallationLog.txt for further details.
6 Replies
Hello! You need to delete
folder and restart the project. And it should workHi Ilgar, thanks for the quick response!
Unfortunetly this did not fix the issue, I've also tried reinstalling dash after deleting intermediate and reactivating the plugin in my project.
Here's the new log
hmm, I see in the log that it still tries to import from under Intermediate folder 🤔 Are you using a lot of plugins in your project? This may happen in case if some other plugin uses python and also installs packages, the example plugin is
If you can send me your uproject file, I can look which plugins are enabled and maybe figure out which one causes thisokay so what i've noticed after deleting the intermediate folder is that camera calibration, which is a part of the epics virtual production plugin, is installing python dependencies on startup. Same thing with the Mo-Sys livelink plugin. After deactivating those two and deleting the intermedia folder Dash seems to be working fine
so if anyone is facing similar issues my fix was to check if any python dependencies will be installed on UE startup after deleting intermediate except GraphN and disable those
Ok, thanks 🙏🏼 We’ll look into workaround, it’s definitely a problem
Thanks Ilgar! Would definitely appreciate those plugins working simultaneously