apply a shader w/ vertex color connected

apply a shader w/ vertex color connected OR if yo uhave Mesh paint on, select the visualization for RGB channels it just applies 3 different types of vertex color on the active static mesh component, if you want the noise to drive all, just use the noise to drive the R channel and modify in the shader
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23 Replies
Sitta•6mo ago
Hello. So if i understand correctly, you mean i should modify the material to use the R channel for all 3 textures?
spatiotemporalOP•6mo ago
The tool only modifies R as noise, G, B are gradient and proximity. So if you want to use the noise itself for all 3, you can simply use the noise on R and in the shader(unless you use the vertex color elsewhere), and just modulate it with some other math, but we can add RGB noise in the next release if thats what you need
Sitta•6mo ago
Well i was mainly wondering if it would be possible to use all 3 effects on each channel. So basically 3 stacked masks for each
spatiotemporalOP•6mo ago
All 3 are applied by default just make sure to use write channels as RGB
spatiotemporalOP•6mo ago
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spatiotemporalOP•6mo ago
so noise gets written to R, gradient gets written to G, proximity to B unless i misunderstood you
Sitta•6mo ago
I think so, yes 😄 I'll try to explain with a sketch
Sitta•6mo ago
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Sitta•6mo ago
a bit hard to see the square i the middle which is supposed to represent proximity but in essence all 3 effects (noise, gradient and proximity) in one channel
spatiotemporalOP•6mo ago
Sitta•6mo ago
so 3x3 in my current case, i would like to apply noise for one texture but also exclude some areas using proximity (for the same texture)
spatiotemporalOP•6mo ago
so let met get this straight, all effects additive(i assume) into one channel, which is delegated to RGB well in the shader you can do that, use the B(proximity) as a multiplier in the shader
Sitta•6mo ago
sure, but then i have one less texure available to blend, right? because i need to use the same texure for R and B
Sitta•6mo ago
this is how my material is setup. This is using William Fauchers Easy Mapper
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spatiotemporalOP•6mo ago
imagine that vertex color is just a texture that has RGB, but in reality its not a texture, so nothing changes, its just a workflow preference on how you want to use it
Sitta•6mo ago
Unreal Engine
EasyMapper in Materials - UE Marketplace
EasyMapper is a Master Material setup that supports World-Aligned (Triplanar) texture projection, combined with Nanite tessellation/displacement, and Advanced Vertex Blending in one simple, elegant package, for easy texture blending across assets.
Sitta•6mo ago
So let's say i want to add random moss on top of a concrete material here using the R channel, but i also want the moss to be on the edges of the mesh
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Sitta•6mo ago
In my material I have 4 different textures on Black and R G and B. So if i want to use the moss for noise and proximity I would need to set it on R and B? And therefore loose the Puddle layer?
spatiotemporalOP•6mo ago
you can always modify the logic of the shader multiply R and B of the vertex color and use that with the moss but ill look into this easymapper, and modify the vertex color setter to be more friendly w/ it so you dont have to do anything within the shader
Sitta•6mo ago
Sure, I get that. But i'm wondering if something like this is doable:
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Sitta•6mo ago
So all 3 effects multiplied on each channel. If i understand correctly, currently each channel can only have one effect applied. It would be great if each channel could have all 3 effects applied.
spatiotemporalOP•6mo ago
in the future it will be doable 🙂 first request for this tool so yeah good idea
Sitta•6mo ago
cool! i applied vertex colours manually now in my modelling software and photoshop for now 🙂

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