It says "please check your internet

It says "please check your internet connection" and when i click the wait for tagging 14, it says, "You have reached the maximum number of tags you can use for this month" gotcha thanks for clarifying the polyhaven tree stuff. What would be the best way to import trees from within the project or from other project to be used for scattering?
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4 Replies
Costantino9mo ago
Hello, the limit reached messages when internet can't be reached is just an interface issue, it's doesn't mean you necessarily reached the limit, we just can't check your limit without internet. Do you have any firewall blocking unreal from outgoing traffic? What country are you from? (OpenAI API are sadly not available everywhere..) Could you give me your email used for Dash via DM so I can check if your license is ok?
Adnan Chaumette
Adnan Chaumette9mo ago
@egggshelll to answer your question on scatter custom assets, you can just drag & drop them from the UE content browser into your scene, open the tool Surface Scatter, then give it a surface to scatter on, and the custom assets you want to scatter. Here's an older video showing the workflow:
egggshelllOP9mo ago
Dmed you! Thanks I'll try that out! But basically I'm not missing any feature when I get these error messages right?
Costantino9mo ago
None of the features of the tools are strictly bound to the content browser, it makes things more convenient, but every tool is unaware where the input comes from

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