I'm trying to scatter a row of meshes

I'm trying to scatter a row of meshes around my mesh. Surface scatter w/ texture mask does not seem to do anything for me and lags my editor (my mesh is very big and I have 32gb of ram so guessing that's it). I figured path scatter was more along the lines of what I'm trying to do. Nothing happens using path scatter and I have error in my log. Using UE 5.4.2, dash 1.7 Any ideas?
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4 Replies
Adnan Chaumette
@Costantino - CTO any ideas? :thinkies: @Lazy Tiger Could you copy the output log in a text file and put it here 🙏
Squizzy3w ago
Right away sir
Costantino3w ago
Can't point at anything specifically by checking the small extract of the log.. let's see if the full log gives us some useful info 🙌
Squizzy3w ago
fyi this was a screen shot I saved last night. I see now that is not very helpful but it was very late and would hate to ping you with my time zone. Trying to replicate the issue rn but I'm not getting the same error in log. Though nothing is happening using path scatter still. Probably just my user error and I need to go over you're videos again. Here is my current settings + mesh I'm trying to scatter
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