Ive been trying to get the road tool to

Ive been trying to get the road tool to adapt to new changes on both the terrain tool or the landscape and it seems it doesnt want to conform...I know Iwas able to do it in previous versions...or am Iforgeting something...thx
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22 Replies
DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
Hey @EXTILE-AlexandrosD I remember we talked about this before, that time it changed when you adjusted the smoothness slider, is that still working? https://discord.com/channels/826908885024636989/826909072246308914/1200438662647791708
EXTILE-AlexandrosDOP•13mo ago
no that trick is gone! im on 1.5.2
DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
that's sad 😄 Let me see if I can replicate on my pc It was the same for me 😦 the devs are looking into it, and will get back you once we know more! Sorry about this!
DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
Got a solution for ya: you need to find this file, and replace it, then all should be good! 🙂 {DASH_INSTALLATION}\Plugins\UnrealEngineContext\Imports\GN\Standard
EXTILE-AlexandrosDOP•13mo ago
Many thx...let me give it a go and come back if I ran into anything...
DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
short video if needed as well
EXTILE-AlexandrosDOP•13mo ago
Ur spoiling me!
DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
EXTILE-AlexandrosDOP•13mo ago
Works great on both Dash terrains and level landscapes now...however just so u guys know it still doesn't work (in fact it really screws up the curve) in landscapes using the world partition method...
DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
As I am not so knowledgable on world partition, could you show me a video or explain exactly what you mean is happening?
EXTILE-AlexandrosDOP•13mo ago
well in Unreal there are two ways (since ue5) to create levels one using the old way using levels...in the level way the landscape is basically always there and is dispalyed as one geo...in the partition way the landscape is divided in partitions for better optimization etc...however last I was playing with it when we talked I belive I was using partitions and it was working...which is usually the new way of using levels...left is partitions right is old level way
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DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
I think your latest message appeared outside the thread? Do you mind moving it? Just to keep the convo structured 😄 hmm, could you try adding the full landscape, instead of just a proximity as the Surface in the road tool?
EXTILE-AlexandrosDOP•13mo ago
I did its the whole surface that I added I believe...I have another question for you...if I want to add say row of meshes along a path how would I do that...If I just lower the density it still too many and when I use the mask its obviously random...but how ccan I just add say 10 poles along a road evenly spaced
DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
hmm okay, will check with devs again 😄
DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
yes lowest density can certainly be to high still, the way I would do it right now is to use the Per Point setting in path scatter and then make sure the spline has quite few points. Ofc it makes the road maybe not as nice if you want a very curve road. A way to get around that is to draw two curves one with many points and one with fewer. See video where I played around a bit 🙂
DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
But it is on our todo list to improve the road tool and add features, to add in poles or other stuff alongside the road so you don't need to use both road tool and path scatter tool
EXTILE-AlexandrosDOP•13mo ago
yeah thats what Im trying to do..create another spline...for example though I noticed that that there is no offset on the path scatter...for example you can only get to scatter on the line but not offset from the line which would be useful if you have just one row of meshes....its great when u have two and use the width...
DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
Yee, also on the todo list hehe
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Unknown User•12mo ago
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DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
For Dash 1.6 we started to improve UI and part of that was that Dash UI size adjusts to the screen resolution and the scale you have set in the Windows resolution settings. So if it is too big, I would try lowering the scale/zoom in the Windows settings. If that does not work, please share with me, what size your screen is, your resolution and your Scale percentage so that we could look into it 🙂
Unknown User
Unknown User•12mo ago
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DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
Do you mean that installing Dash changed the Scale in the Widget Reflector? With my previous message, I meant that Dash adjusts to these settings, so maybe you can try and change those and the Widget Reflector Scale to get a good size of Dash compared to UE UI? 🙂
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