Surface scatter suggestion

Hey everyone, hope you're all doing great! I've got a quick suggestion regarding Dash. It would be fantastic if we could scale down the scattered grass near edges, like the border of a terrace overlooking a lawn. This feature, similar to Forest Pack plugin's border feature in 3ds max, would reduce the overlap between the grass and the terrace edge, resulting in a cleaner look and less intersections for the grass. Let me know if you need further clarification! Thanks a lot, and keep up the good work !
5 Replies
Synaesthesia11mo ago
Hi @Essamozy! You can do this already using the Falloff parameter, actually! Skip to 6:21 in this tutorial video and you'll see what I mean:
Surface Scatter: Beginner Guide to Your UE5 Co-Pilot, DASH
Learn how to quickly place foliage and other scatter assets using Dash, your co-pilot for world building in UE5. Try Dash for FREE: Join our Discord community: This video is part of a series of mini-tutorials on various Polygonflow Dash features. The rest are available here: https://www.yo...
EssamozyOP11mo ago
Thank you so much for the blazing fast answer. I knew about the falloff feature you mentioned in the video, but I never could get it to work without using a texture mask, what I suggest is for the scatter to sense the edges of the surface it is scattered on, and apply the falloff scaling respecting that edge for example.
Synaesthesia11mo ago
That's certainly something we can look into going forward. For now, Surface Scatter needs a defined boundary area. You can get that with Noise Masking, even a little, and it should produce the effect you're looking for. Object/proximity masking would do it too. One of my favorite techniques is using a transparent box to define a specific region to scatter in with Object Masking. Falloff will work like that no problem
EssamozyOP11mo ago
Thanks Jonathen, I will take your advice with the Object Masking, and try that !, I always appreciate your help and your patience. Thank you so much my friend !
Synaesthesia11mo ago
Happy to help @Essamozy!

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