Migrated level to another project

Hi, Polygonflowers. I have migrated a complete level to another project. Now I can't edit the surface scattered items anymore. It still works in the original project. Any suggestions? I'm still on version 1.7 because of "never update something while you're working on a current project". Unreal Version is 5.4
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6 Replies
DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
Hey hey @der_urig 🙂 In your new project can you check in the outlier if you see the DashSceneData actor? That is the one that holds the tool connections. If you find it, please check the details panel, find the JSON, and send it over. It maybe is a path issue🤔 If you don't find it, try to copy it from the original project and see if that helps! Also please run the command "show tools" and see if the tools are in that list or not 🙌
der_urigOP3mo ago
Yes, I can see the DashSceneData actor and have copy it from the original project yesterday, because I thought it could be the reason. - At the moment I found another solution for my problem but I will give the "Show tools" command a try.
DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
oh, what solution is that?🤔
der_urigOP3mo ago
Sorry for the late reply, I've had a lot to do in the last few weeks. The attachement shows the original Project. The building on the left is totally empty. My job was to make two videos. One through the bussiness park and one in the building where three floors filled with event furniture, stages and people. Two much for one single project. Especially with the crowd in the park. So I made a second project for the inside video and simplified the park. Somehow the building in the second project was wider so that the trees reaching inside. I couldn't select individual trees to delete them, so I chose the simplest method and scaled the whole forest larger. 😄
der_urigOP3mo ago
Oh, forgot the screenshot.
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DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
No worries, I can understand that! aha glad you found a way of sorting it out! If you still want me to look into the migration issue, please send over the DashSceneData actor and also copy paste the json content inside it here separately🙌 And might also need the paths for your original project and duplicate project👏

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