Hello, Polygonflow team. I'm trying to
Hello, Polygonflow team. I'm trying to create a traffic jam scene using the path scattering tool. Everything is fine as long as I only take cars that are roughly the same size. As soon as I add a few trucks, the distances are no longer correct and many cars are stuck together. Any suggestions for solutions?
4 Replies
Hi there!
You got any screenshot that shows the issue? having a hard time visualizing the current problem, and the ideal result.
Oh, sure... I forgot.

FWIW @adnanchaumette this is what I was talking about when I mentioned having physics-based (or at least bounding box-based) scattering! 😄 That way users can scatter assets without them physically intersecting one another.
Yeah I don't think there's an obvious way of solving this with path scatter just yet; we'll look into it! 🙏 thank you for the screenshots @der_urig 🙂
Closing this thread, but I've marked this as a feature request, and we'll keep you posted @der_urig ! 🙂