Material Randomization

I am looking forward to adding a material randomization option that can be used for landscape, sand, or seawater, along with blending options for increasing or decreasing blend amount. Thank you.
4 Replies
DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
Thanks, noting it down! 🙂
bolbolegyptOP•15mo ago
Unreal Engine
EXTILE PLUS Non-repetitive tiling master materials in Materials - U...
Removes tiling repetition on any texture and create complex effects directly in material.
Unreal Engine
EXLAND in Materials - UE Marketplace
Exland Non-repetitive landscape material
No description
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bolbolegyptOP•15mo ago
no problem if this feature will be very simple .. no need to complex settings .. hehehe
DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
Thanks for the links!

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