Dash 1.8 a disappointment so far.

When attempting the tutorail in the Dash 1.8 Youtube tutorial I have discovered: AI is not working. I entered a request identical to the one demonstratoed in the video but never got a response. Also, I cannot add assets to my current project. Dash crashes on trying to compute just 1 asset. Adding assets in previous versions worked well. When I click to add assets it begins to compute them but always fails. Eventually I will get a message that tells me the asset tagging process had to restart 10 times, which is the limit, and that I might be low on RAM (I have 64GB) or that asset data computed crashed the engine. On just 1 asset???? It asks if I want to keep going. Whether I do that or restart Dash and/or UE5.3 the result is always the same.
7 Replies
DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
Hey @Bombs Away Media So sorry about this bad first impression! Are you on Dash 1.8.0, or 1.8.1? I know we had some issues in 1.8.0, so grabbing 1.8.1 might be a good idea to try firstly here🙌 Please let me know if this helps and we can dig deeper afterwards! https://www.polygonflow.io/download-latest-dash
Bombs Away Media
Bombs Away MediaOP•5mo ago
I wondered about that too so I downloaded Dash again this morning. I do have 1.8.1 for sure now but getting the same result. However, I did confirm it was working in UE5.4. Unfortunately, the stuff I need is not compatible with 5.4.
DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
Got it, thanks for trying that! Could you maybe record a video showing the issues, and having the UE output log open throughout? That way I may be able to get some useful hints about the issue here
Bombs Away Media
Bombs Away MediaOP•5mo ago
Here is the video requested. Total time from start to finish is about 10 minutes but I have sped it up from clicking the compute button to the final error message.
DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
Thanks! Not much info there though🤔 @Costantino could you jump in here with the additional info script/setting?
Costantino•5mo ago
Hello, The process crashes for something else we can't seem to detect. We had a similar case before, where it's possible that some messages from the engine are preventing the process to start, causing a loop of crash > restart > crash > restart, up to the 10 times limit, which is there to prevent inifnite restarts in edge cases like this one. You can try to replace this file with the attached one in your installation, and see if anything pops up when computing. DASH_ROOT\Plugins\UnrealEngineContext\Imports\GN\UnrealContentLibrary\LibraryProject.py If you installed Dash in the default directory, it sould be something like this: C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Programs\Polygonflow\Dash If replacing the above file will not show any extra message and allow the tagging to start, let me know and we can dive deeper.
Bombs Away Media
Bombs Away MediaOP•5mo ago
No difference, no extra messages with the new file.

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