I can't convert them anymore. It crashes each time. I got this as an error:
Assertion failed: Owner->IsMeshDescriptionValid(0) [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\StaticMesh.cpp] [Line: 3086] Bad MeshDescription on /Game/Polygonflow/StaticMeshes/SM_7203956.SM_7203956
5 Replies
@Balu any ideas here?
Can you try doing the conversion manually?

Just tried that. It does make a static mesh but doesn't replace the output mesh, however displacement doesn't seem to be working properly on this new static mesh either. I've tried a number of materials (all megascans) and I get very little to no displacement depending on material. Some have displacement but altering the number does nothing and most appear not to have any at all.
did you enable nanite on the mesh?
I don't really have time right now as I have to go out, but I'll be having another look at this a bit later. Will post here when I have chance