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All posts for 📼 Addie’s Analog Emporium 🌐
Source Replacer / Swapper
Avermedia Duo, video signal showing up with red filter.
What settings do I use when exporting from Premiere to maintain quality but not have huge files?
Capture card for dual pc setup.
Converting 1440p stream from Live-U into 4 cropped 720p Streams
Match colours of OBS recording to Davinci Resolve 19 export
Davinci Resolve 19.1.3 on MacOS Sequoia 15.3 - Cannot connect to Postgresql database on server
Missed frames in OBS
"Unspecified error" when copying to/from USB drives.
Windows 10 ntoskrnl.exe BSOD
Frame Drop when streaming TEB with a RTX 4060
.NET Framework mscoreei.dlI could not be loaded
File MP4 to dvd burning
Black Background removal ( Nvidia Background removal) OBS encoder overload while using Source record
Is 32gb of Ram worth it?
YouTube Audio Quality Issues
Multistream Setup
OBS Audio Set Up
Using 2 separate GPUs to Multistream in dedicated Stream PC
OBS Recording settings[HELP]
OBS 31.0 always requesting to open in safemode.
Gaming pc not showing elgato 4k60 mk2 as an audio output option
Adobe Audition not saving "Monitor Input" for saved multitrack session
C:\ cloning to new NVME did not go as expected.
OBS Camera Bug
Weird OBS or possibly driver bug?
Troubleshoot trying to run, stream and record Indiana Jones and The Great Circle.
Elgato 4k60 pro mk2
Should I use AV1 or h264 for recording on arc a380?
M.2 PCIe NVMe Brand outside of the tested list
Intel 13900k, RTX 3080, Z790 Nova Wifi Mobo and G.Skill Trident 7600mhz ram
Capture card audio pop
iGPU and OBS
Moving simple RAID 1 array from Intel to AMD
Best settings for Rx 6750 XT + Ryzen 5 2600
Trouble with steam deck sabrent dock
Limited or Full Color Range
capture card
EVGA XR1 Pro Messed Up Capture
[windows 11] high system interrupts
Best HVENC settings for twitch?
CPU Encoding Overload With GPU Encoding
Looking to play PS2 on CRT and record at same time.
Revelator io24
I keep getting blue screen of Death on Davinci Resolve Render
Streaming TWO MAIN CANVASES to different sites (Twitch/YT)
AMD 7900 GRE Dual Encoding Issues...
No Longer Able to Send 8000kbps bitrate to Twitch
Steam Recording colors very contrasty in video editor
Streaming Quality Issues + Noise Gate Help
MSI 4070 super crashes when play YouTube on second monitor.
Brief Muddy Audio Issue
2ng gpu
GoXlr and GoXlr mini connected to 1 pc
Streaming Pc Build Help
Mic picking up EMI noise
2 pc setup, audio passthrough questions linux/windows
Recording camera footage through OBS in HDR?
4k pro capture card issue(sorta)
Premier Pro technical question
OBS Profile & Level
Editing from Horizontal to Vertical
Keep getting this error
1440p YT Streaming Help - VOD shows 1080p as max quality
Microphone sounds very Bass forward in recordings.
Blue tint to captures on 4K Pro
Streaming using an AMD system and I feel like my resource usage is way too high!
convert .spi1d to lut
Trying to Dial in the best OBS recording settings..
First XLR Mic, having trouble fine tuning filters.
$200 Budget cpu + cooler Upgrade suggestions
Built a streaming PC but I can only use one monitor with a 4090 now?
Best method of cloning 4k OBS scenes/layout for lower resolution canvas.
Suggested upgrades for a streaming PC?
Microphone Audio Chain
Mp4/MOV flicker OBS help
obs bitrate for 4k
YT AV1 Encoding
Davinci Resolve can't rendor jobs av1 2160 x 3840 HD vertical
My Game capture is always off by 1% color, is this normal?
Troubles with Streamlabs OBS picking up audio from Apple Music.exe
AV1 multistreaming with A380
How Can I stream 1440p with Twitch Enhanced Brodcast
Storage Advice
NDI is very blocky
Video Speeds Up Where Cuts Were Made (DaVinci Resolve)
Instalation of windows on empty desktop
Stuttering at 4K60 with AverMedia Live Gamer Ultra 2.1 and Elgato 4K X
How to send active obs screen to a remote monitor with NDI?
Dual PC (Dedicated streaming PC) i5-6400 and gtx 960
Dual PC set up for streaming
whats the current meta for uploading 1080p60 gameplay ?
High GPU usuage OBS w/ 4090
What do you guys think of these settings for a teleport 2 PC stream setup?
anyone knows why the artifacts on 1:42 are happening only after I export?
New Monitor, but can I still stream with Elgato HD 60s+?
4K X missing too many frames due to rendering lag
hey i got the elgato neo capture card but i get in obs saying: elgato no signal. how to fix?
Panasonic Lumix G7 and Rode Wireless Pro
Elgato 4K Pro 4K120 HDR VRR Passthrough
Inability to record in 8-bit (NV12) and be color accurate to the source
screen tearing with Avermedia GFC573 capture card and cloned display capture
Are these settings good for YT Streaming at 1440P
Aitum Vertical Plugin not streaming when OBS main does stream with same exact settings
Is raw, uncompressed capture possible on current macs?
Windows sound playback device stops working
DaVinci Resolve stacked timelines shenanigans
High OBS GPU Compositing Load
OBS Fullscreen Projection to CRT TV: Audio and Sync
Making digital copies of physical photos.
Video Player w/ Hardware Accelerated AV1 Decoding on Linux (Nvidia GPU)
Converting HLG HDR Video to PQ HDR Video (HDR10)
Encoder Overload while using Aitum Vertical
Obs Clips
Best OBS Video Playback Recording Practices
Building friend a PC
trying to get user entry shoutouts in mix it up
OBS source volume control through streamerbot
Twitch Enhanced Broadcasting Performance Impact
OBS Not Outputting the 6 Audio Tracks I have it set to output
Can I improve my display capture quality?
best quitaly microphone for the price.
Did NVENC HEVC ever get fixed in Resolve?
Media Source doesn't like AV1 recording
Reliable voltage limit
Best way to get a recording off an answering machine.
a few obs and vlc media player questions
Encoder overload
"Input Not Supported" message on monitor
SSD isn't showing in Windows setup
MKV vs MP4 on DaVinci Resolve Timeline
Multi tracks for live and recording
bad video drivers
Need New Motherboard for A i7, needs lots of usb ports.
Struggling to get my microphone sounding clean when my voice starts raising, or is it just me?
Microsoft Edge font looks bad on new install.
XR1 Pro not compatible with OSSC timings for NESRGB timings, regardless of line mode used.
OBS ignores video encoder parameters in custom output(ffmpeg)
Multi monitor OBS rendering issue
Curious as to what options others are using in FFmpeg for av1_nvenc encoding.
Issues with M1 Max to Twitch
Game capture only shows 30fps in OBS
Advice on USB-A dock for multiple gaming controllers, and
Help with fixing Elgato Game Capture bug
Best wattage PSU for i9-12900k + 4090 (Gaming)
No more thumbnails in file explorer when using OBS
Best CPU to pair with a 1060 3GB
How do I restart a Youtube stream?
"OBS didn't close properly"
OBS crashing when using ffmpeg ALAC
OBS gets stuck on "Stoping Recording"
elgato hd60X OBS studio, it now has delay.
W11 refuses to finish the 23H2 update
Windows 11, My PC has started turning on and off almost like a mini boot loop after it wakes up
YT streaming + vertical + Multi RTMP to Twitch
OBS track mattes but not in transitions?
Sonar Streaming App
Fix for Out of Video Memory for Unreal games.
Recording with a requirement for size as much as quality.
The windows app "apple music" (Not Itunes) will not send sound to OBS
DaVinci resolve, my videos look blurry or pixelated when the FPS games have a lot of movement
Connecting pc to 4k tv
CBR vs CQP for "Streaming", which is better? (Why not CQP?)
SRT server settings need to reduce lag
Running Linux OBS; PipeWire Window Capture sources always ask for permission on launch
4090+7950x obs settings for 1080p
Virtual Server (aka Intel VDS\VPS) for streaming events
GC573 Scaling Issues
Push to Talk in discord cutting out - OS Windows 11
Video Settings
video settings on OBS
What m.2 slot should i put my new crucial p3 plus 4tb in?
Greenscreen Question
Encoding for an IRL programme
Best way to transfer large data between storage devices
Export Settings Help
auto adjust project settings to the first clip
PS5 stuttering (duplicating frames) every 7 min (4 months research already with no fix)
4k stream + Record + 1080p Stream
Passthrough not working HD60x Dual PC Streaming
Aitum Record option in Stream Deck
AV1 Software Encoding Problems with OBS Studio 30.1.1
Why does this happen?
Custom Fitted In Ear Monitors w/ Microphone?
Image Stabilization For "Phone As Webcam" Solutions
Help me find the right mic solution (and maybe you have the same issues?)
AV1 Encoded YouTube Stream Randomly Dropping Bitrate & Requiring Restart
Encoder Settings For High Quality Recording Only
Washed-Out Colours in OBS
75k bitrate blockiness in high motion av1 amd
OBS Help
2 PC Stream PC Line In Audio Buzz
Premiere Pro Playback doesn't work, probably because of video source (?)
mic recommend
OBS Tuna Plugin not showing correct text when running
OBS + TikTok LIVE Studio = Not enough Encode Sessions
I can't find the davinci Resolve deliver preset import/export option
Windows 11 + 7Zip: Unspecified error message when attempting to drag out content from a zip folder
Stuttering and skipping
Stutter with Elgato 4k60 pro
record everything in OBS except ONE source
30% performance loss while OBS is running (not even recording)
OBS + Streamerbot: OBS keeps crashing after attempting to test a trigger I made.
Which Colour Format For Elgato 4k Pro MK II
Wave Link causing phasing issue with microphone audio
lighting help
Need help with Handbrake software
NDI Decoder recommendations
Revelator IO24 vs IO44
OBS and Photo Shop issues please help
Something eats storage in the background and I can't figure what.
How does scaling affect VMAF scores?
2 pc setup help (Rode Caster Duo
OBS on Linux - High average time to render
New Elgato 4K Pro - No 4K60 in OBS
OBS Video Capture Device only showing 1080p instead of 4k
OBS Audio Monitor
Source Record
Python library request
Whats the best way to test and compare different encoders with the same video file?
Streamdeck + Stop Raids
Very large recording size files @ CQP - 20
Elgato 4k Pro HDR Recording "Speckles"
Mac mini m2 for streaming
TP-Link switches constantly losing connections
Really bad stream lag last night
Motion graphics DaVinci Resolve tutorials
Rain check on laptop specs.
NDI Lagging Issue
pyWinContext not running commands
VRChat EAC bluescreen
OBS Mic Audio occasional artifacting
El Gato 4K60 dual pc
low quality colors in OBS recordings
Headphones recommendation
Avermedia GC573 issues and general dual PC problems.
I have a specific streaming question and i was wondering if i could get some help.
Ignore this
Windows rescales desktop background when switching virtual desktops
2 Mics bluetooth headset and Rode podmic ??
Mic cutting out in OBS
Lag during multi-streaming or recording in obs.
Intel I225-V/AX211-160 connection issues.
Is the PCIe damaged?
OBS Teleport/NDI source not displaying
Looking to get the smoothest possible recordings/no duplicate frames
Upgrading to Windows 11
stream laggy
How do I flatten Audio Layers in Davinci?
issue with Pc not being discoverable on the network
need help with AMDHW ENCODER OBS does not recognize / fails on starting stream
Advice Wiping/restting pc/changing boot drive
YouTube bitrate dropping to 160 kb/s while streaming.
Possible Clip Fix
CD Burn not showing song title/artist
Stream Deck has stopped working altogether
Does VMAF scores even really matter?
Intel Arc A380 OBS Encoding help
Audio issues
Davinci Resolve Studio
OBS 30 Update - Missing Scnes
Issues With Audio Interface Favoring One Ear/Side For Audio Depending On Input
Hearing Console Audio via audio cable to PC issues
bypass HDCP PS3
Cant sign into different Xbox account on PC
multiple PC setuo
TikTok Cable Input VB Cable
PC Stutter
Sound keep dropping from my Re20 connected to Mackie DLZ creator
Elgato Nvidia Broadcast Noise Removal VST
Elgato Stream Deck display has randomly inverted/mirrored
how to improve encoding performance in nvidia gpu
What does this mean? please help! update exe net framework initialization error
FFMPEG resyncing audio
Multiple RTMP Output
Multiple Output Plugin
FFMPEG can you select igpu or gpu
CPU Usage - Gaming/Streaming
Streaming Pixelation and Artifacts during mmo rpg gameplay.
Did i wipe Asus rog armoury crate correctly?
AV1 lossless recording vs HEVC vs Simple Mode lossless.
Render on Delivery Page Ignoring my Codec Settings
Rather a technical question than need for actual help. Gaming-Streaming-Editing Station.
Davichi Resolve Best Export Settings
OBS + Nvidia 4090 + AV1
Cyberpunk recording at a very low bitrate despite CQ 19
Home wired network speed bottleneck
OBS Crashes on startup after updating
Remote Access my PC to editing from different rooms
Microswitches to replace double-clicky ones with
ERROR: Update StreamDeckPlugin
fitting power brick for dummy battery
App for setting fan curve based on specific temp sensor?
Right arrow key only works with modifier | windows 11
Looking Pixelated with Motion
Source Record Audio
How To Split Audio Sources 1PC
OBS Look-ahead and Psycho Tuning
Can't get Twitch streams to look good
red pixel artifacts on youtube videos
MUPEN64 Install
rendering in davivinci with a 4070
Resolve Hard Crashing when dragging one timeline into another
How to fix this?
Switching data from an older AMD system to a Intel system
New MOBO has no line in, which i used to use for console audio.
Z690 AORUS ELITE AX Wifi Attena Drivers
What is XMP and Should I turn it on?
RAM slots
wierd hiccup
Hvenc or x264?
Keychron K8 Pro Cable connection issues
Avermedia GC573 Capture card and PS5: Loud buzzing noise when the ps5 audio is set to DTS or dolby?
GeForce Now Ceases to Use Steam Deck Contols (Linux)
Confirmation on parts to work with my new build.
3.5 Moniter to PC Issue
Sony Alpha 7 III with elgato camlink pro
MOBO to pair with AMD Ryzen 5 5600
TV is only out putting 1080 even though ps5 is on 4k
OBS encoding: h265 B-frame setting?
just having OBS open takes away performance.
Elgato Camlink Pro doesn't work in any browser, just get an image to download Screen Link app
OBS multi rtmp with AV1?
GPU Upgrade Advice
OBS Lagging Via Stream
Switching from Windows 10 to Linux mint
Best 4K60 Recording Settings OBS
My clips failing to decode
PC Stuck on Bios Splash after Windows Update
Twitch Unstable
Davinci Resolve No Audio
Bought BioniX P 120mm A RGB fan and plug to motherboard. do i need to bios change RPM? or default?
I cannot attach my shock mount to my mic arm
OBS v29.1.2 (not responding)/lagging on gaming machine
OBS 29 and Source Record
What is wrong with DaVinci and GPU cache
OBS Application Audio Capture does not retain Spotify Connection
What Steam Deck Version to buy
Soundbar has USB C to USB C connection but don't know which extender to buy... help!
OBS Not Showing Webcam
System Interupts Windows 11
Resolve Backups
Need help with Armoury Crate arua sync...
High Temp
How To Make Custom Text Animation/Flow In OBS?
davanci keeps quiting unexpectedly
Dual PC, Elgato 4k60pro mk2, screen tearing issue on streaming pc, passthrough is fine, any advice?
"Capture Audio via OBS" causing audio cutoff/crackling for Alerts.
Trying to Emulate Killzone 3
How much storage does lossless quality need?
hdmi switch
Finally my 4070ti is running...but what is best AV1 setting for recording?
stuck at rog strix bios!
DDU help!
Need assistant understanding audio output for XR1 Pro
OBS Not Responding after pressing Record and Stream
How to take something from a video clip and transform that into a screen screen clip?
Guys did i bought the wrong PSU for 4070ti? Cosair RM650x
installing cpu sag mount. need help with rgb wire.
I have a question about screen capture using gpu with wallpaper engine max settings while recording.
How to properly connected main pc AND consoles to streaming pc Capture card's HDMI IN/OUT?
Camlink delay randomly started
corsair rm650 2021 650w. with rog strix 4070ti? safe?
Encoder Lag
Best OBS Livestream Settings for 7900XT?
need help understanding bottleneck. Should i buy the 4070 non ti?
FFMPEG - audio delay/sync commands
is it q good idea dual cpu? my board is 1 cpu socket
I like this keyboard. but i don't know this brand or website help! is it legit? ONIKUMA GAMING
should i get rtx 4060 instead of rtx 4070 because of cpu bottleneck? i5 9600k
3080's on newegg red flags
A380 AV1 Encoding on OBS
ps5 hdmi 2.1 stuff questions
Need help finding power supply for rog strix 4070 non ti 16 pin connector?
handbrake not encoding
Anybody use a 6-pin to 8-pin adapter for a GPU?
Stinger transitions lagging after adding StreamElements browser source
Radeon xt 6600xt encoding error 10mbps/10,000kbps will more ram fix the problem?
HELP! intel Arc A750 but eGPU to old laptop and then use capture card for main PC. will it work?
Which intel quicksync gets used in OBS when the iGPU is enabled etc
AMD B450 AM4 USB Port issues Help
Need help with budget second PC built for recording
Youtube VOD random skips ahead frames but OBS reports no dropped frames
Davinchi Resolve - open file location doesnt work
How to write metadata to mp4 file when recording stops?
Wondering how to improve the quality of my OBS
AV1 video track doesn't show up in Adobe Premiere :(
Using 4 6+2 connectors
AV1 FFMPEG Encoding with ARC GPU: How to do CRF/CQP?
Monitor issues on CoD and other games.
nvme drive suddenly stop working
How to make an Infinite/seamless scrolling background animation in Davinci Resolve?
Scene hotkey HOLD instead of toggle
Microphone is being used by svchost.exe and can't be recognized in other applications
In regards to AMD Encoder Video
Looking for a VPN recommendation
best encoding for 4K
pc suddenly giving slow upload spped
why is my pc rendering slow?
Best AV1 (Intel) settings for obs?
remuxed videos are cutting time off videos