need help with AMDHW ENCODER OBS does not recognize / fails on starting stream
hello. I watched a video a while back on AMD encoders and when setting an custom AMF/FFmeg option for AMD encoders because it was needed to help performance. I recenetly just had a hard reset on all my data on my computer and now its asking me to update my video drivers (OBS) however they are up to date
im not sure what to do

2 Replies
What CPU and GPU do you have in the system?
Have you tried to uninstall the drivers with DDU in safe mode and then install the newest ones?
Also, grab a log after the error occurs.
To help resolve your issue, we need to view a log file. Follow these instructions to upload your current log file:
1. In OBS Studio, click the Help menu → Log Files → Upload **Current** Log File
2. Click the **Copy URL** button
3. Paste the URL into this Discord channel