Streaming Pc Build Help

Want advice on 2nd pc for streaming/recording. I want to be able to record in 4k 100k bitrate Av1 At the same time stream to twitch and youtube in x264 Medium preset 8k bitrate
47 Replies
YodeslaOP6mo ago
Want the best budget option for 4k 100k recording with simultaneous 1080p streaming at medium x264
HunterAP6mo ago
So first off, you should not be recording by a constant bitrate, and instead use CRF or CQP. Essentially that tells the encoder to target a quality level, and it will auto-adust the bitrate depending on how complex the scene is. If you did constant bitrate, the filesize would be incredibly too large compared to CRF / CQP, and with no benefits to speak of
YodeslaOP6mo ago
im using CQP for recording 14 P7
HunterAP6mo ago
Then that's fine to keep it that way Second, CPU x264 encoding compared to modern GPU h264 is not worth it for the miniscule quality difference Since you're already trying to buy a new GPU for this system and you want AV1 encoding, your best bet would be an Nvidia 40 series since it can do AV1 and has the best h264 encoder quality. It's basically impossible to tell by the human eye the difference between CPU and NVENC h264 on the 40 series
імі6mo ago
but to reiterate on the "cheapest" requirement, the cheapest would be to forego a dedicated GPU and use a CPU with integrated GPU capable of AV1 and stick to x264 on the CPU
YodeslaOP6mo ago
while streaming at 8k with the games that i play. The smoothness of x264 really does come into play over nvenc. Ive tested it a bunch with other people/rigs as well 8kbitrate 1080p*
імі6mo ago
since it's a dedicated streaming PC anyways there's no worry about bottlenecking anything by using the CPU to encode too and you should learn what bitrates are there is no "8k" bitrate
YodeslaOP6mo ago
theres an integrated gpu that can record 4k 100k bitrate?
імі6mo ago
and 100k kb/s is not = 100mbit
YodeslaOP6mo ago
100k k/bs my bad on the terms
YodeslaOP6mo ago
No description
YodeslaOP6mo ago
thats what i meant sorry
імі6mo ago
8000kbps = 8mbps
YodeslaOP6mo ago
No description
YodeslaOP6mo ago
and then thats my recording.
HunterAP6mo ago
(also unrelated but you can always just take screenshots of your PC instead of pics on mobile)
YodeslaOP6mo ago
i know. So I took these pics yesterday before i reinstalled windows lol wanted to have them on my phone real quick before i resintalled my bad are the intel GPUs paired with a cpu not a good idea for this then?
імі6mo ago
they are if you cut corners you can get a cheap solution with a cheap CPU and an low end intel GPU too but I wouldn't want to skimp on CPU performance just to have a dedicated GPU that doesn't really give you any real world advantage
YodeslaOP6mo ago
whats the best cpu option that can do the medium preset while not effecting the 4k recording the gpu will be doing at the same time?
MEE66mo ago
GG @Yodesla, you just advanced to level 12 !
імі6mo ago
the GPU recording won't be affected by whatever the CPU is doing
YodeslaOP6mo ago
at all?
імі6mo ago
they're seperate parts of the chip
YodeslaOP6mo ago
ok didnt know that i figured it would be effecting it in 1 way or aother another
імі6mo ago
well, to some extent, of course, system overhead etc. but not meaningfully
YodeslaOP6mo ago
would the a310 work or is it not good enough?
імі6mo ago
there is a "GPU" on the "CPU"
YodeslaOP6mo ago
yea the IGPU i didnt know any IGPU had av1 encoding
імі6mo ago
idk of any dedicated igpu av1 benchmarks off the top of my head but I don't see why they wouldn't be able to do 4k easily
YodeslaOP6mo ago
4k recording with 1080p stream off a cpu seems insane tbh (I know it has the igpu seperate)
імі6mo ago
it's not like you're running a game at the same time
YodeslaOP6mo ago
just looking back in time it would seem like this is all make believe fairy tale talk lol
імі6mo ago
it's supposed to be a dedicated streaming PC after all
YodeslaOP6mo ago
crazy yea would love to edit on davinci with the duel encoder of the a310 or another intel gpu but thats not exactly a requirement so u think theirs a IGPU that can record QCP 14 at 7slow? that would be one hell of a piece of hardware
імі6mo ago
well I can't 100% say that for certain, my experience with GPU encoding is limited, but if a encoder on a dedicated GPU can do it I don't see why one on an iGPU couldn't iGPUs are often limited to only one encode though
YodeslaOP6mo ago
ok well lets say I got a dedicated gpu. What cpu would be enough for 1080p multistreaming
імі6mo ago
I don't think any remotely modern multicore CPU has a problem with 1080p x264
YodeslaOP6mo ago
i should note i have insane OBS setups like a LOT of stuff going on ok which cpu would be the best bang for the buck then in this case? Also intel or amd? (i have no preference ) i guess i should be thinking about mobo/cpu combos for price
імі6mo ago
like I said, idk what intel CPUs exactly started having AV1 encode
YodeslaOP6mo ago
nono if i get a dedicated gpu so i wouldnt need av1
імі6mo ago
I'm only giving you a general idea of what I would do... can't do any specific recommendations for your specific usecase as I have too little experience
YodeslaOP6mo ago
for the cpu just the basic cpu for streaming 1080p x264
імі6mo ago
well in that case I'd stick with AMD, 7700 or 8700G wouldn't really go below for a streaming rig intel may be cheaper, but I haven't had an intel system in a while so nothing I can direct you to here, I'll leave that up to someone else ^^
YodeslaOP6mo ago
lol thanks 😄
Kinou0546mo ago
Personally if you aren't using TEB you can get away with the RTX 4060, my setup does Twitch at 1080p, YT at 1080p HEVC, while doing two separate recordings at 4k AV1
YodeslaOP6mo ago
That a 1 pc setup or duel? @Kinou054
Kinou0546mo ago
Triple 😆 but yes that PC is set to be dedicated to Twitch with Vertical renders so two separate canvas

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