My Game capture is always off by 1% color, is this normal?

Hope someone could help me with this, I'll leave the forum post below if anyone wants more details about my issues but to summarize, no matter what settings I use, drivers etc etc on my dual pc set up obs always outputs something that's just barely off color wise, on regulars displays you could never tell but I was able to tell nearly right away on my nicer monitor, its off by <1% at worst so I'm wondering if its actually a problem or if simply running a 2 pc set up always comes with a tad bit of inaccuracy. Currently running a 3070 to a 4k 60 pro mk2, heres a fresh log as well
OBS Forums
My Game capture is always off by 1% color, is this normal?
I've been bashing my head over this for days doing hundreds of test recordings so please let me know if this is just a given or I'm looking over something. I recently set up a 2nd pc for streaming, recording and off loading my work but something I've noticed that no matter what settings...
6 Replies
AMD(rare) User
AMD(rare) User7mo ago
Well you arr using nv12 That's 420 chroma subsampling Of course it's not going to be perfect 😉
LilithSellerOP7mo ago
so regardless if I use nv12 or any other color format I'll basically have to take what I get? I've tried i444 but it leaves a slight green hue :/
Addie7mo ago
This is chasing ghosts Don’t worry about it
LilithSellerOP7mo ago
alright thanks for the reassurance🙏 if you don't mind me asking would you consider this to be more likely just a byproduct running a dual pc set and may or may not occur sort of a silicon lottery effect or is it just some super super obscure interaction between all the encoding and processing that trying to get a fix for is more often not worth since it so user specific . I'm more curious of what could causes this but at this point I probably need to step away for a moment trying to get a better output cause I feel schizophrenic after all the trouble shooting and frame by frame viewing I've done 😅 🤣 Okay I figured it out, so I never knew a setting called XRGB was a thing. it never showed up to my obs at all not even grayed out, so after finding out I was missing a setting I checked every variable and noticed that unless you match the elgato software to either 4k60 or 1080p60 on both ends XRGB wont even show up, what I did was set my og display to 1080p60 and matched to the elgato closed down completely and then went back to my main rig and reset my originally resolution. I only then changed the output resolution in properties in the obs settings never opening elgato utilities software because doing so breaks the illusion . it's feels more of an error on elgatos side since it did nothing in the process to let me know these options were available and my current soultion forbids froma cesss everything but its whatever. I'll toss them a support ticket if this is a "feature" or a bug. I'll also put down a link from a reddit post of how to bypass this issues if your colors are off or if XRGB is not enabled.
Addie7mo ago
And all this will still be in vein because your stream can only be in NV12/I420 and your final YouTube video will be compressed back to 4:2:0 anyway

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