Mic cutting out in OBS
I have redone my mic filters so many times following EposVox's videos and I'm still having issues with my mic cutting out when I get too high pitched. I'm not sure what I need to do to help fix this!
19 Replies
Usually caused by a noise suppressor not handling clipping properly. Probably need to slap a limiter before noise suppression
This is what I have. Do I need to add another limiter or move the one I have up?

Filters work from top down, so your limiter is last in line
Yeah you need to duplicate it and move the duplicate to before the noise gate. Your gain is too high and you’re clipping before hitting the noise gate/suppressor.
I need to make a video on this
Okay, thank you!
It still slightly clips but not as bad. Is there something I should adjust?
I've been messing with the filters again and it's still clipping. Not sure what to do.
GG @Zuvabell, you just advanced to level 1 !
What Yeti mic is this? If it's XLR then what interface are you using with it? How far is your face from the mic when you're talking into it?
And how high do you have the gain turned up to?
Turn off everything (including noise removals) after that first limiter we said to add. Are you clipping/peaking/distorting?
It's a blue yeti with no interface. I try to keep it a fist length or a little more from my face. On the mic the gain is pretty low. When I talk too high it clips but only when the noise suppression is on.
I have the RNNoise selected
Using that fixed my background noise problem but created the clipping problem
Scratch that, still have background noises
Hmm can you open up the old sound settings window that looks like this image

Go to the Recording tab, find your mic, double-click it, and in that new window look at two things:
- In the Levels tab, look at the volume the mic is set to. You can right-click the little icon next to it and change it from percent to decibels, and make sure it's set to +0db
- In the Enhancements tab, check the box that says "disable all enhancements"
The gist is that windows does some stupid stuff behind the scenes where it may try to set the gain in software dynamically which can be annoying
still wanna know if clipping happens with NR off but limiter on
Sorry, I mentioned above that it only seems to clip when the noise suppression is on
have you tried turning gain down?
might need to just keep it down before NR and then turn it back up after
I changed it from in the levels but I don't see the enhancements tab, just general, listen, levels, and advanced.
I haven't changed it. Any auggestions on what I should change it to?
just... lower it lol
see if lowering it can stop the clipping in NR
I messed with the gain and all my filters and it still seems to be clipping some. Not sure what else I should try to fix the problem the noise suppression is causing. I'll try to mess with it some more tomorrow.
post a sample
at this point we're shooting in the dark
yea a sample will for sure help. based on a quick skim though this sounds like the common issue of the noise supression thinking the high pitch sound is bad and then tries to remove it. Some options would be to try different noise supression options or if you can get away with it using something like a expander in obs. Also make sure mic is 6 inches or so from your mouth, speaking into the right part of it (not an end address mic), any things you can do to physically remove or damp noise sources are done, make sure windows is not boosting/process the mic (hunter mentioned this already), and your gain is set using the mic so your average between -18 to -12 and make sure peaks dont hit above -6 with all processing in obs or in the blue software off (also make sure you are not double processing it once in obs and in blue software). 🙂 good luck!