How To Split Audio Sources 1PC
I went from a 2PC stream set up to 1PC. This is not an issue with 2PC's and an external mixing device. I want to control the volume of my music separately, my stream and my ear.
The Google oracle tells me to use Voicemeeter Banana. I also browsed EposVox vid titles but found nothing so specific in my quick scan. Is Voicemeter the only solution? It did occur to me to run my music from an old tablet as an alternative to more software.
I do not know much about Voicemeter and I really do not want to mess with my existing audio set up too much. I also dont want to waste my time learning something new and have it not work for me. Git me lurnt please!? Irrelevant side note: Why 2PC's to 1PC? TOO much hardware, too much cables, large gear footprint (2 Desks). I spent allot of time worrying about gear and tech. While I LUUUVVVV gear I found it was distracting and took away from my entertainment and content. The gear is supposed to be a tool and not the fucus of what I want to do. Its also less points of potential error.
The Google oracle tells me to use Voicemeeter Banana. I also browsed EposVox vid titles but found nothing so specific in my quick scan. Is Voicemeter the only solution? It did occur to me to run my music from an old tablet as an alternative to more software.
I do not know much about Voicemeter and I really do not want to mess with my existing audio set up too much. I also dont want to waste my time learning something new and have it not work for me. Git me lurnt please!? Irrelevant side note: Why 2PC's to 1PC? TOO much hardware, too much cables, large gear footprint (2 Desks). I spent allot of time worrying about gear and tech. While I LUUUVVVV gear I found it was distracting and took away from my entertainment and content. The gear is supposed to be a tool and not the fucus of what I want to do. Its also less points of potential error.
17 Replies
I just found an old phone while digging around for that tablet. I think one of these is the simplest solution. Don't know why it didn't occur to me until i began typing this help request.
Voicemeeter can do what you're asking for, but it's kind of a terrible app. The way it does things is confusing, and the developer is also kind of a dick
Normally the easiest way to do what you're asking for is with dedicated hardware, such as a mixer like the GoXLR (which just went officially EOL but there is a dedicated group of devs who are writing their own open-source software for it) or even the Beacn Mix Create (which rearely sees updates in general). There is also Elgato's Wave Link software, but that requires you to have a Wave XLR, Wave 1, or Wave 3 mic (I think also just the StreamDeck + works as well).
They all have the ability for you to manage your main mix, and a submix for your stream. The idea is that each audio device (game, music, browser, system, etc.) are able to be controlled individually for each mix, so you can lower the volume of the device used for game audio just for the stream and leave the level the same for your personal mix
I have a GOXLR mini but I am tryn to cut down on the amount of gear I use. Ty for the informative response as usual.
You can download and use the Rode Unify software for it. Much easier to use than voicemeeter.
There is also an OBS plugin called Audio Monitor. It separates out the audio that goes to stream / video and what you here.

From EposVox's YT
Will THIS OBS Studio plugin kill VoiceMeeter?
Today we're taking a look at the "Audio Monitor" plugin for OBS Studio, created by Exeldro. This plugin gives you more control over monitoring your stream audio, as well as giving you your own personal monitoring mixer view!
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ill take a look!
wow, how am i just now hearing about this!
If you already have the perfect tool for the job, there’s no advantage to “cutting down”
1 audio interface is kinda the minimum
It wasnt perfect for what I am trying to accomplish. I want surround sound coming from my game. I cant get that if the signal has to go through an external device that only outputs in stereo.
I aim to prove you wrong, lol!
Although I did consider installing the GOXLR SW (without the device) to utilize its mixing SW! I havnt got to that point in my testing. My time has been limited to work on it lately.
Steele series sonar maybe?
The GoXLR software doesn't work without one of their devices connected to the PC though
Steel Series Sonar should do the same stuff but idk if you need one of their products to use it
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And it looks like almost a 1:1 feature parity of wavelink.
It's evolved a lot since release(which I don't think was very long ago)
Kiss voicemeeter goodbye with this existing
yea. The software for goxlr is useless without a device. It's basically there for communication with the device

I do not have time to test everything I want currently. I settled on a solution that gets me up and running. This way I can move on to the next fire.
I did not use any 3rd party SW or "Audio Monitor" in OBS. In OBS I muted Desktop Audio, separated everything on its own track and simply monitor what I want to hear.
"Application Audio Capture (BETA)" worked well for separating Discord audio (which I monitor) and game audio (which I can still hear for some reason even though Desktop is muted).
Thanks for all the suggestions. I will defiantly be spending time with them in the near future.
Thanks for all the suggestions. I will defiantly be spending time with them in the near future.
Keep an eye out with that app audio source. It has a tendency to de sync or periodically get garbled/crackle
Just friendly fyi
thank you!
I have been using "Device Audio Capture" for Discord and Games. I havnt had any issues with it yet. I set each to "Monitor and Output" so I can hear them. So far so good. I havnt experienced any distortion or garbled audio yet.
While I still cant control the volume of my music separately (yet), I am managing with no kind of 3rd party mixer. I have had several live streams with no audio issues other than user error with this setup. I do wish OBS had more audio tracks available though.
I have experienced where a particular scene containg the source (device audio capture) wont show what I assigned to it.
Normally, switching to another scene that contains the same source, then switching back fixes the issue.
IF this doesnt work I delete the source (device audio capture) from that particular scene then create a new identical one.