Flux Reversal
Flux Reversal
TC📼 The Classroom 🌐
Created by Flux Reversal on 8/21/2024 in #tech-help
Video Speeds Up Where Cuts Were Made (DaVinci Resolve)
I have had Davinci resolve for over a year but only used it for VERY basic editing. I have limited video editing experience and knowledge. Recently I have been using Resolve allot. I really do not know enough about it to even begin trouble-shooting this problem... if it even is one. I do all my work on the edit page. For some reason, when I cut a clip, when the video is played it speeds up really fast for a split second where the cut was made. What causes this to occur?
Hope this is enough information. I do not know how else to articulate it or what other information may be needed to help. Thanks for any help in advance!
6 replies
TC📼 The Classroom 🌐
Created by Flux Reversal on 3/18/2024 in #tech-help
Encoder Settings For High Quality Recording Only
No description
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TC📼 The Classroom 🌐
Created by Flux Reversal on 10/7/2023 in #tech-help
Render on Delivery Page Ignoring my Codec Settings
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TC📼 The Classroom 🌐
Created by Flux Reversal on 9/2/2023 in #tech-help
Looking Pixelated with Motion
No description
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TC📼 The Classroom 🌐
Created by Flux Reversal on 8/24/2023 in #tech-help
How To Split Audio Sources 1PC
I went from a 2PC stream set up to 1PC. This is not an issue with 2PC's and an external mixing device. I want to control the volume of my music separately, my stream and my ear.
The Google oracle tells me to use Voicemeeter Banana. I also browsed EposVox vid titles but found nothing so specific in my quick scan. Is Voicemeter the only solution? It did occur to me to run my music from an old tablet as an alternative to more software.
I do not know much about Voicemeter and I really do not want to mess with my existing audio set up too much. I also dont want to waste my time learning something new and have it not work for me. Git me lurnt please!? Irrelevant side note: Why 2PC's to 1PC? TOO much hardware, too much cables, large gear footprint (2 Desks). I spent allot of time worrying about gear and tech. While I LUUUVVVV gear I found it was distracting and took away from my entertainment and content. The gear is supposed to be a tool and not the fucus of what I want to do. Its also less points of potential error.
27 replies
TC📼 The Classroom 🌐
Created by Flux Reversal on 8/23/2023 in #tech-help
OBS Look-ahead and Psycho Tuning
i9-12900k 3.2 32GB RAM 3080Ti Video Encoder: NVENC H.264 Encoder settings: RC: CBR; BR: 6000; Keyframe: 2 s; Preset: P6; Tuning: High Quality; Multipass: Two passes; Profile: high; Look-ahead? Psycho Vusual? GPU: 0; Max B-frames: 2. My question: I see various opinions and info across the internet regarding Look-ahead and Psycho Visual. I read that if I am using NVENC H.264 I might as well be using Look-ahead with B-frames at 2. I have seen conflicting information on the use of Psycho Visual though.
Should I use Psycho Visual? I saw one recommendation that said if my CPU and GPU are good enough to run it along with Look-ahead with B-frames at 4. Set me straight please!
11 replies