Issues With Audio Interface Favoring One Ear/Side For Audio Depending On Input
so for a while I have been struggling getting Audio from my moniter when I play on my ps4 to my audio interface so I can hear both my PC and PS4 using the same headset. I got it figured out finally but now im having a issue where depending on if the audio cable is in 1 the audio will only be in my left ear, and if the cable is only in 2 its only in my right ear. I found a janky solution you can see in the image by going from a splitter into two audio cables going into each. It works but its pretty eh to use and I want to figure out how to get the audio working normally. I used to have this working without issue when I used a regular wired headset connected to the audio interface. I now use usb wireless headphones and thats why its not working correctly at the moment. You can see in one image im using the line in and I have listen to this device checked. Its only doing this weird one sided thing with these new USB headphones. Any help figuring out how to have one audio cable into the interface having it work with both ears would be apreciated.

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