AAE📼 Addie’s Analog Emporium 🌐
•Created by Birdie on 10/18/2024 in #tech-help
Streaming Quality Issues + Noise Gate Help
132 replies
AAE📼 Addie’s Analog Emporium 🌐
•Created by Birdie on 6/27/2024 in #tech-help
Building friend a PC
Heyo im building my friend a pc on pc part picker, is ryzen 5 5600x & rx 6700 XT a good pairing cpu and gpu pairing? if not what should i go for gpu wise
4 replies
AAE📼 Addie’s Analog Emporium 🌐
•Created by Birdie on 5/22/2024 in #tech-help
Best wattage PSU for i9-12900k + 4090 (Gaming)
Whats the desired PSU wattage for a i9-12900k + 4090? Also what brand do yall recomend? I may go with seasonic but i dunno! Also please dont try to change my mind or critique my choices of the hardware i mentioned (not being rude) 🫶
5 replies
AAE📼 Addie’s Analog Emporium 🌐
•Created by Birdie on 5/18/2024 in #tech-help
Best CPU to pair with a 1060 3GB
I relised i have lots of extra compenents and thought i could build another pc with some of these older components for the hell of it. I have a 1060 3gb, what cpu would best pair with it? I used to have it paired with a i7-8700 which was a prebuilt which worked well. So I could buy a i7-8700 from amazon refurbished for around $140, or if theres a better option let me know!
6 replies
AAE📼 Addie’s Analog Emporium 🌐
•Created by Birdie on 4/14/2024 in #tech-help
What m.2 slot should i put my new crucial p3 plus 4tb in?

13 replies
AAE📼 Addie’s Analog Emporium 🌐
•Created by Birdie on 4/13/2024 in #tech-help
Best way to transfer large data between storage devices
Hi im getting a new storrage device i want to transfer my personal folder to thats like 600-700GB, whats the best way to do this? just copy and paste the folder or smth else? just wanna make sure i do it correctly.
10 replies
AAE📼 Addie’s Analog Emporium 🌐
•Created by Birdie on 1/9/2024 in #tech-help
issue with Pc not being discoverable on the network
I was using a vpn to play lan on mc with a friend or was trying to, when making the network windows came up with a big thing asking if i wanted my device to be discoverable on the networks, i cklicked no withoujt thinking but im pretty sure i needed to click yes for it to work. I now cant find that setting anywhere and google hasnt helped really.
3 replies
AAE📼 Addie’s Analog Emporium 🌐
•Created by Birdie on 1/8/2024 in #tech-help
Advice Wiping/restting pc/changing boot drive
Heyyy so I got a new boot drive and i want to install windows on that, i also want to wipe my current pc and stuff.
Would using recovery and wiping my pc work and then once its done and everything since it reinstalls windows itself i could unplug the old boot drive (i dont wanna use it) and then plug in my boot usb and install windows to the new drive? would that work okay?
19 replies
AAE📼 Addie’s Analog Emporium 🌐
•Created by Birdie on 12/30/2023 in #tech-help
CD Burn not showing song title/artist
Im trying to burn some cds and that goes smoothly but when i play the cd either on pc or in the car it just says track 1 and stuff and not the song name or band which i have inputed when i did the burn, any help?
22 replies
AAE📼 Addie’s Analog Emporium 🌐
•Created by Birdie on 12/8/2023 in #tech-help
Issues With Audio Interface Favoring One Ear/Side For Audio Depending On Input

1 replies
AAE📼 Addie’s Analog Emporium 🌐
•Created by Birdie on 12/6/2023 in #tech-help
Hearing Console Audio via audio cable to PC issues
So the just is I want to be able to hear my ps4 audio and pc volume at the same time. I have had this working before but it no longer works.
I used to have this work by having a 3.5 audio cable coming out of the monitor the console is on into a little JABINCO audio thing that just gets rid of the static, then goes into the line in jack on my computer. I would then just have to mark "Listen to this device" on the audio option in my sound control panel and it worked great.
Unfortunately when I upgraded my pc lately this pc has no line in jack on the motherboard. I attempted to use the mic in input and was able to have this work once but unfortunately barely and with lots of static and it no longer works. I also tried the front audio headphone/mic combo input jack but that also did not work. One had the option to listen to the device but no audio would be audible.
Also yes in windows settings I have the individuals inputs im trying to go into the correct device to hear it.
I then tried to use my audio interface which I rememeber working back when I had my old PC but its the same issue with not being able to hear anything via it. I do use USB headphones and the audio interface obviously has a regular audio jack input it asks for but I can set the certain line ins i plug in to be able to play through and listen to my usb headphones.
I did try other headphones though connected directly to the interface and that did not work either. I can hear my guitar when i plug it into the amp via usb headphones and headphones dirwecrtly plugged into the amp.
So I am very lost on why it wont work and what to do. Any help would be great.
Just a jist, I have a moniter with one headphone input that i have the audio plugged into, pc has mic in, line out, and the front combo jack. I also have the audio interface.
3 replies
AAE📼 Addie’s Analog Emporium 🌐
•Created by Birdie on 11/30/2023 in #tech-help
Cant sign into different Xbox account on PC
Im trying to sign into a different Xbox Account on the xbox app on pc than the one that is currently signed in and everytime i hit sign out it automatically signs me back in a few seconds later and even when it doesnt if i hit sign in it gives me no options and signs me right back into the account.
4 replies
AAE📼 Addie’s Analog Emporium 🌐
•Created by Birdie on 8/13/2023 in #tech-help
MUPEN64 Install
Im trying to install MUPEN64 because retroarch is annoying and i wanna just download it itself, the github page of it is really confusing im not sure where to find it and things so i could use some help
23 replies
AAE📼 Addie’s Analog Emporium 🌐
•Created by Birdie on 8/5/2023 in #tech-help
Switching data from an older AMD system to a Intel system
I was plannning on giving my mom my old pc since her pc is a peice of crap, her PC is an AMD A10-7800 and the system I will be giving her is a Intel i7-8700. I was hoping I could just throw in her 1tb HDD that has all her stuff on it into the Intel system. Will this work? I know its probably not optimal but will there be any big roadblocks doing this?
61 replies
AAE📼 Addie’s Analog Emporium 🌐
•Created by Birdie on 8/5/2023 in #tech-help
New MOBO has no line in, which i used to use for console audio.
5 replies
AAE📼 Addie’s Analog Emporium 🌐
•Created by Birdie on 8/5/2023 in #tech-help
Z690 AORUS ELITE AX Wifi Attena Drivers
Heyo got the z690 aorus elite ax a few days ago and im pretty sure i need drivers to get the wifi attena it came with to work, i got a wifi dongle that works perfectly well but i kinda weanna just test speed difference. Im not sure where to find the correct drivers, im bad with this stuff
11 replies
AAE📼 Addie’s Analog Emporium 🌐
•Created by Birdie on 8/2/2023 in #tech-help
What is XMP and Should I turn it on?
I have DDR5 -6000 paired with i9-12900k
I hear about XMP and wasnt sure if i should turn it on and im not sure what it is
55 replies
AAE📼 Addie’s Analog Emporium 🌐
•Created by Birdie on 7/20/2023 in #tech-help
Confirmation on parts to work with my new build.
31 replies
AAE📼 Addie’s Analog Emporium 🌐
•Created by Birdie on 7/18/2023 in #tech-help
3.5 Moniter to PC Issue
i use a 3.5 cable to go from moniter to pc to hear my console audio but now the audio device wont show up anywhere, any help? Ive tried new 3.5 cable. Looked in disconnected devices. Tried plugging it back in. Etc. It usually showed up as a line in but it just doesnt show up anymore at all.
5 replies