OBS Not Outputting the 6 Audio Tracks I have it set to output

I have older streams of mine where when I drag them into Premiere it has 6 different audio tracks with the specific source i gave in the Advanced Audio Properties tab (All audio on track 1, my mic on track 2, game audio track 3, etc). Im not sure what happened since then but I am unable to get this to work now. Right now im recording to mkv and remuxing to mp4, ive tried different video encoders but nothing seems to be working. Would anyone be able to help? Ill post some screen shots. The premiere one has a test video i just recorded in the beginning, and then an old stream i did after it for an example that it used to work. If anyone would be willing to hop into a chat or something to help out, id be all for it. got no other plans for the evening. Thanks!
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1 Reply
Willy G. [WASD GameCom]
Ok i figured it out: it was because i was set to FFmpeg PCM (32 bit float). I switched it to AAC and all my tracks came back.

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